Friday, February 25, 2011 Southpark Ipod

Pavel Astakhov called the denunciation of the Chirikov - "despicable, illegal and unacceptable»

Ombudsman for Children at the RF President Pavel Astakhov called the accusation ringing in the guardianship, that the Chirikov allegedly mistreated with children - "mean-spirited, illegal and unacceptable»., said , that, according to the press service of the ombudsman for children, writing Received February 18, 2011 (incoming number 013/01).

false information on the Chirikov

«I want to write a letter because I could no longer tolerate what is happening in a family of my neighbors and I believe that competent authorities should immediately predprenyat action! I live at number 6 on the street Moskvina city of Khimki. Next to me in an apartment № 14 lives a family with two young girls. They are even out of the apartment ever heard swearing and fighting. I think the children out there being bullied. The kids are constantly hungry, asked me to give them something to eat or candy. They say that Mom and Dad give them a little food and they are hungry. These kids are dressed, I'm sorry for the expression of the devils in that go into some old clothes. When parents do not have them sitting at home with some sort of a woman who appears to coming from the apartment of their baby crying constantly punishes "- said in a letter (spelling and punctuation have not changed).

The statement also says that the apartment number 14, spending the night a suspicious a man very similar to the homeless. " "Personally, I think that such people should not like to let the children under one roof and generally isolated from society should be!" (...) Please take action and protect these children !!!!!» - requires the applicant.

«The tutorship Khimki decided to check the facts relied upon by the applicant - A letter signed by Epiphany EI (str Moskvina, Building 6, Apartment 15). Arriving at the address, it turned out that Epiphany EI in apartment number 15 does not reside, Neighbors are no statements in the guardianship did not write. Thus, the call is false, and the guardianship no tests on anonymous statements hold will not. According to the staff of the guardianship, they did not know that in this apartment home environmental activist Evgeny Chirikov "- reads the text press release.

Astakhov said that the letter is "despicable, illegal and unacceptable and provocative.

«Children should not become means of exerting pressure. U of custody Khimki no claims to Eugenia Chirikova not, and if such statements from the fictional neighbors will continue to act, guardianship disturb the family will no longer be "- said Pavel Astakhov.
welfare movement Khimki Forest thanks everyone ringing in the care and treatment he wrote in defense of Eugene. We are grateful to the members of the Coalition "For the forest near Moscow, has made a strong statement yesterday on situation.
Many thanks to Pavel Astakhov, because he finally called a spade a spade (recall that the day after how the guardianship is set false nature of the statement, they were determined to continue to "check" Chirikov).

We, the however, urge you not to rush to celebrate the victory in this case and remain vigilant. Example Khimki forest, unfortunately, shows that good beginnings President and his administration have a tendency to suddenly turn around its complete opposite.


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