Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Liver Cancer Prognosis 2009

Moscow stalinobus

[info] gunter_spb wrote :
Well, comrades and citizens? It is now February, and have to think about what will happen in May. And in May, is supposed to move last year's impromptu event "Stalinobus" in Moscow and other cities. With the latter might not succeed, but with Moscow - should be granted. [...] I want to ask: are you ready? If you are ready - stalinobus will ride and Moscow. And collect more - and more stalinobusov.

Good idea, support and join. Including labor tyschey: on this matter do not mind. I even suggest the best route for stalinobusa if there are suitable: from the area Kuntsevo Kutuzovsky and New Arbat. Everything else, there always worn migalochnoe mudache with alternate aerodrome in the EU, shamelessly sucking juices from the Russian state. It would be nice if them at least a couple of weeks looked to the side, Stalin in the form of marshal, on the eve of Victory Day. And recalled the nation's history, which is much more infamous "twenty years". And the impermanence of existence - too. And they have already begun to gradually become impudent: steel construct already cult members his Tillage. And this despite the fact that there are millions of witnesses, shameful and despicable Sabbath nineties, emerging at the time.

And yes - this is also a full-fledged civil society. And then the Moscow public is inclined to think that civil society - is inadequate Tipo borodatenkie with rainbow banners in support of Gay. Or squeezed blood out of power gebney unlucky liberasty Yeltsin filling that they are going to 31 of any month. No, guys, civil society - It is much broader range of these unfortunate typecasting. Encourage your patience in advance.


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