Monday, February 14, 2011

Pea Cell Respiration Lab Answers

1918-1919. Dauria, Manchuria and the town of Hailar (collection Eichelberger)

That's the third part of the archive Eichelberger formed: in it I put pictures from Dahuria * and Manchuria, not associated with the railway (the railway will the final part). Their author attributed the too general (primarily Siberia and Inner Mongolia), moving through the CER from Vladivostok to Irkutsk, so that you can not always understand exactly where the deal. Part of the submitted photographs to me is particularly valuable: they are made in the town of Hailar, where he served on the railway in 1904-12 years. my great-grandfather. Hailar - is the next junction line of the CER after border of Manchuria (Manchukuo there), if the move from west to east in the direction of Harbin. So, the pictures of the "Russian" Hailar (not just the station) I first saw this just an American, for which many thanks to him. Some pictures of my partially cropped for emphasis, the original can be pulled from the main archive.

* Dauria - meaning no locality, and the historic area. She extends from south-eastern shores of Lake Baikal to the Argun River and Mongolia, that is, captures the most populous part of the current Buryatia and the Chita region. Until 1858 in Dauriyu included the north-western part of Manchuria itself, adjacent to the basin of the Amur and Argun.

1918-1919. Dauria.

Traditionally, if some landscapes, details, learn the signs, then write in the comments for clarification. Let's go! :-)

2. Some prizheleznodorozhny settlement. Right in the photo - the same character as in photo number 1, the header :-)

3. Transbaikalia coach with the stove :-)

4. A group of local residents in the township on the line CER.

5. Tearoom Boukreev. Image is captured in Vladivostok, the continuation of perspective, see the picture 11.

6. Trans-Baikal Cossacks. Perhaps his unit commanders obezzhayut on the construction. Winter.

7. Two commanders of Cossack, closer (see picture 6).

8. Izba couturier A-Nu ". A tailor-Nu could be Chinese or Korean, edged the Russian population, but the town completely incomprehensible: he could be on the Russian side of the line to Chita, and the Chinese, to the west st.Manchzhuriya.

9. A Chinese-trader. What he's selling is not very clear: the seemingly worth a bag of seeds, from which some see the beaker. But what is this big "Apples"? Apples? Or something else? In the bags on the left, perhaps, hazelnuts. For the Chinese - a decorative rug "under watch".

10. A group of people in the cart. Judging by buildings, it is rather big city or the station.

11. On the streets of Vladivostok.

12. Ataman Kalmykov with their ussuriytsami and allied officers. Who is right and do the following by the officer in the station? Do the following - an American? A deal with pilotkoy kto?

Dauriya endings and tepery - gorod Haylar , uzlovaya station KVZHD (Photo 13-21, Tac atributiroval American).

13. Russian prizheleznodorozhny village in the line of alienation of the road. Rather big, I must say. From the standard transbaikalian it differs the fact that the home met the standard design and are made of stone, not wood. That's here somewhere (and perhaps even, in some of the houses in the photo) and lived my great-grandfather, Stepan S.. This photo is 1918, and he went back to Russia in 1912, when the accumulated money in the house and married a second time, but hardly the village has changed a lot - because the main dynamics of building infrastructure for the CER occurred in 1899 - 1914 years.

14. Let's see a little more piece of photo 13: Against the background of typical houses visible capital stone buildings (on the right, perhaps, village or school administration office line) and can see the onion-domed churches, probably made of wood. Guessed, and standard Siberian subsidiary of construction: Teplyakov, baths, flocks. The people who served on the CEL, and lived (relative to Russia, especially western) provided enough: My grandfather told me in 1980 (according to his great-grandfather), that a major home for stays of roads, schools for children of employees also contained a road, and they had a maid-Chinese - that is, Income road master enable and support his family, and keep for hozrabot maid. In his great-grandfather was even a object, like a silver watch on a chain with a personalized engraved: by the standards of Penza village, where he 19-year old boy recruited by the CER, it was quite unthinkable luxury. Now, the children of the XXI century, it might seem funny, but in those days were a different scale of values.

Now, probably, this is not all: It has been for more than 90 years. But maybe some individual large capital structures and save. Who knows ...

15. Hailar, the center of town. Russian signs, the old spelling.

16. Punished for misdemeanor Chinese (wears around his neck that's a block, probably wooden).

17. Parking lot surrounded by camels.

18. Aboriginal raises camel. In the distance - the yurt.

19. Russian soldier or policeman surrounded by Chinese. If anyone can accurately identify departmental affiliation - Write in comments.
[in the comments claim that the soldier - the Chinese, both at the photo 21]

20. On the streets of Hailar.

21. Chinese warriors in Hailar, apparently in the location of their barracks on the construction.

now "just" Manchuria, without reference to Hailar.

22. Lower-class Chinese women. Possible, wash (laundress).

23. Clearly the entrance to the store (in a window visible to the economic variety), at the entrance of the old Manchu.

24. The monumental railway station station Manchuria (Manchukuo Is) one of the main stations of the Chinese Eastern Railway These were the gates in Manchuria - after the station ended Maciejewski Russian segment and started the Chinese, who walked through Harbin to the station. Frontier in Primorye.

Sources photo (site of Duke University Library)

Well, it remains to show purely railway photo on sweet, there is also a lot of interesting things.
Happy viewing :-)


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