Sunday, February 20, 2011

Getting Thrush Every Month

"Allegro" is a party instead of the past "Sibelius"

interesting report on the trip on a speedboat, "Allegro" in the direction of Helsinki, from [info] karhu1977 :

... For information on the what happens still there. Passengers trying to catch the conductors and learn something. In response to an uncertain bellowing from the Finnish conductor, Russian conductors themselves in shock: "The Finns do not tell us anything."
jumped off the train and asked what's going on. It was found that: 1) passing the Moscow train Tolstoy can pick up some passengers 2) from Kouvola train seemed to be left to pick up passengers 3) Finns drove Finnish locomotive and try to connected to the Italian Allegro. Epic Fail.
Train cools down, the passengers boil. Finnish conductor mosque, but can not say anything. In our train situation rescues a Russian who lives in Finland, opened a bottle of brandy and offered all - Russian, Finnish, and are in full ahue elderly married a pair of Dutch. Welcome to Finland!

Finnish railway workers trying to pick up the Allegro to the Finnish electric locomotives and this they fail. All sustainable impression that the Finns do it the first time and do not know what was happening. Russian passengers are all heavily photographed and cursed European technology.
Train already late by three hours. At 11 am there is finally Tolstoy from Vyborg. Russian Chief of the train reported the Finns that had enough seats to take all. In Vyborg, on learning of the epic Phail Allegro, he picked up two more cars to your train. Ur Russian railwaymen!
But Epic Fail continues.

there with photos and in three parts ( first part of the misadventures , second , third ). See :-)

from myself as I might add, that the Finnish railway - Big slobs than the Russian (in unusual situations) and is much more easily allow for late trains and their nepredskazumoe braking intermediate stations. I remember once waiting for the train in the freezing cold of Espoo, about three years ago. Waiting, waiting, freeze, nothing. Scheduled 'type is ", but actually train run like the devil knows what! Or this recall, go as Swedish trains on the line of Narvik - Stockholm : half an hour late, the norm. Summer!


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