Thursday, February 17, 2011

Anybody Have Side Effects With Epidural

Putin - get out!

February 19, the day 150-year anniversary since the abolition of serfdom in Russia , signed by Alexander II, held in Moscow rally for the resignation of Putin's government.

Organized "Committee on 5 claims" rally will be held on Pushkin Square in Moscow, February 19, Saturday 14-00. The rally is expected to address representatives of the movement to protect forests Khimki.
We call for the resignation of Mr. Putin, as it is when it was built a system of destruction of nature in Russia. Mandatory environmental impact assessment - is canceled, legislation has been literally turned inside out for the sake of serving the interests of the construction industry. Citizen participation in decision-making gradostoitelnyh (including - in the decision on building natural areas) has been reduced to a fiction. More information - see the legal section Independent Ecological Expertise route Moscow-Petersburg .
However, even the few remaining environmental restrictions are not met. This practice is not amateur local authorities, it sanctioned from the very "top" vertically. Putin has personally signed a decree on the transfer of land for the construction of Khimki forest toll highway from Moscow to St. Petersburg. Statutory requirement of non-transfer of forest land for construction in the presence of alternatives (and there are - at least 10!) - was ignored at first by Putin, and then the Supreme Court. This is not surprising, since the Russian courts have long stopped even trying to conceal their dependence on the executive. Who and what is built, such a system - it is easy to guess.
Arkady Rotenberg (left)
Dominance "friends of Putin" has taken in recent years, the size national disaster. We have every reason to believe that the interests of the notorious Arcadia Rothenberg were so "argument", which Medvedev made to terminate the public and expert discussions on the Khimki woods and pretend that he endorses the proposal by Putin Ministers of the "final solution" to continue logging. Recall that almost the day after the "final solution" found that Rothenberg is now part of the founders of the concessionaire of the project - LLC SZKK ".
The result - the expansion of the Leningrad highway actually frozen in the middle, continuing underground lines to Khimki and then postponed indefinitely. But - in a matter of priority, are going to run the project asphalting Khimki forest - no good to anyone, except a handful of corrupt officials. A similar scheme is observed in the implementation of other mega-projects - from Sochi Olympics to the island and the Russian Grand Lake Baikal. The hope is that these people think better - do not.
We urge all environmentalists to come to Pushkin area and say a firm "no" Putin's course on the nature of the looting of Russia.


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