Thursday, February 3, 2011

How Does A N Infant Bouncer Work

The benefits of the industrial plants (CCP)

my life to the CPC no luck. True, this is what I learned immediately, but rather, more recently - actually then, when I learned that in general such CCP. In due to frequent in recent reforms in the education system of my native country and its friends to remind you that there was a time when we had to jump through some kind of fourth grade to leave school after the 11 th. So for the system klassoischisleniya particularly gifted high school students to flee after the 9 th grade, the rest muryzhilis another two years. I actually managed to get caught up in these last two years in a special school for integralofilov, but it is offtopic in this record.

Well, it turns out, the Soviet legacy spetsobrazovatelnoe gave many people, not run away in the 9 th grade students an opportunity to "look with the labor process and content of the workers in enterprises, to prepare for the conscious choice of profession, to learn the original work skills in their chosen profession ". One day a week instead of studying in a mainstream school pupils attend educational-industrial combine (often with nearby technical school), where the training took place and were engaged in socially useful work. In theory - a clever and useful thing. School only finished, and already you have basic vocational education - you can go to complete their education profile. Another thing is that the country needed the footage at any price, so this option is, oddly enough, was mandatory, not optional (as it should be options). Proper choice of professions and special and it was not because the CCP has already been pre- specialist, without demand of students of this school.

But my wife was lucky - in her school was the CCP, but not simple, but even with a small (but still) choices professional profile. In view of the unthinkable in this time of discrimination, it refused to enter into (on the national opinion) malchukovy class of mechanics, which, incidentally, gave out with a diploma of law. In the nurse or the teacher did not want to go. Were experts on arts knitting. And so it happened that I was married to a clever (higher education is not received by CPC-shnomu profile), interesting and talented knitters!

Recently we have cousins uncles and aunts. On this occasion it was decided to raise the skills and apply in the case of initial vocational Education - Kaya linked cheerful blanket of our niece, Pauline! The next client was Hatabych. Sabakenu lucky - he got a new sweater. Actually, further describe herself mistress ...

PS her pictures too.

Hello, everyone!

After yesterday's "terrible blizzard" today there was a natural grace. The sun reflected from the fresh snow, burns my eyes forever, salt, melted snow on the roads happily rushing in the direction of nearest rainwater catchment, the birds spotted a heart-rending howl in the trees, in general, a complete false sense of spring, warmth and fresh seeds. Hatabych tried on its svezhesvyazanny new sweater and said he wanted a photo session on the virgin snow. Nothing to do, had to take a tool, boots, a dog to a new sweater and run into the street.

first dog, as follows, looking around.

But here's how to pose for the camera Hatabych is very remote. First, he all the time looked snowy nose in the lens.

Then he wanted to portray the courage in meeting with the neighbor's dog.

then wanted to show the anguish parting with the same dog's neighbor.

And most importantly, has flatly refused to look at me! (But well see a new sweater).

By mutual agreement, we decided to add speakers in our session. This meant that I, as a mentally dissolved personality, waving his arms, a camera and a bag for kakashek, running aimlessly, just to away from the dog. Hatabych same as a person with a strong mentality, a little ashamed of me jogging followed by my trail.

Sometimes greetings from fellow crosses all our plans and ideas.

But after I promised sausage dog, if it is obedient model Hatabych threw all his affairs, and rushed toward the virtual sausage.

's got a morning after the "terrible blizzard, which brought we already 15 (!!!) cm of snow. A good model was obtained from Hatabycha or not - to judge you. I like pictures, now known technique of "sausage" motivation, and hence, there is hope for improving the quality of our fotoprogulok.

Thank you for being with us!


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