Thursday, February 17, 2011

Stopping A Price Pfister Shower Valve Drip

Slanderers in uniform - The answer!

10 February 2011 on the site MoD police at been published message "Press Service of Internal Affairs in Moscow region" under the heading « Eugene Gildeev detention Alla Chernysheva ».

In this report we are literally the words Head Department of Information and Public Relations Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow region Gildeeva Eugene Romanovich:

«Another 1 February 2011 on the street. Young naturalists, has been an action in defense of Khimki forest, when someone in the crowd began shouting that the earth lies the package and it is something ticking ", - said Col. Gildeev.

In place of the police left, including experts on explosives. One of the experts explained that the device found a hoax, but produced it is not an amateur, and professional shooter. "In this incident was a criminal case on the grounds of an offense under Article 213 of the Criminal Code - "hooliganism."

examining videotapes from cameras videofiksatsii, found that found a package with a bomb hoax at the hands of carried Owned Owned Alla Chernysheva and she left him in a crowd "- said Eugene Gildeev»

Mr. Gildeevu should have been well aware that Alla Chernyshev is the case of "ticking package" as a witness. Moreover, the photos show , that "black bag", which was in her hands before the action - remained with her and when to place a bookmark "bomb" had already arrived detachment of sappers. And then - this package has been found in Ally home , there were signatures in support of Yunnatki.

course, all these facts future policemen were obliged to believe before you make such statements. But perhaps the desire to perform an "order" to unwanted environmentalists was a priority in relation to the requirements of the legislation.

hardly accidental is the fact that on the very day when Gildeevym was made that statement, and Alla had been illegally brought in for questioning, along with two children, 4 and 6 years Representative "Autodor Sergei Kelbakh promised to start cutting Khimki forest in mid-March and threatened reprisals activists who dare to protect the forest.


Sergei Kelbakh (photo from

repression and intimidation, seem to have begun even ahead of schedule kelbahovskogo - According to Ally, Khimki cops threatened to deprive her of her parental rights, and promised to "put" the leader of Khimki environmentalists Evgeny Chirikov (incidentally, also the mother of two minor children).
on likely customers hitting indicates a curious detail: Gildeev spoke of "actions to protect the Khimki Forest "- though it is, in fact, of Khimki Protection Station of Young Naturalists, and the cemetery of prisoners of the Gulag from construction company Nedarkal. Obviously, that the main objective was not only to intimidate the activists, but also to publicly discredit the Movement for Khimki forest before the conflict again enter into a "hot" phase.
Defenders Khimki Forest Kelbaha review the application and launch a campaign of repression as a response to the publication results of the independent expert on the route Moscow-Petersburg . According to these results, there are much better options for solving transport problems than building a road through a forest of Khimki. In particular, the crossing of transport can be used right-of-way under the power lines. Transmission line at the same time can be made high-voltage cables - these technologies are mature and widely used in urban environments.

February 1 head of Greenpeace Russia Sergei Tsyplenkov gave these results personally to President Medvedev.

At a press conference , held today at the press center of the MC, Evgeny Chirikov reported that " welfare movement Khimki Forest believes that statements made by Mr. Gildeeva are discrediting honor, dignity and reputation of our activist - Alla Chernysheva.

a lawsuit was filed in the Tver court of Moscow. We hope that the masterminds and organizers of the provocation will be punished ".



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