Saturday, February 12, 2011

Is Oster A Good Brand

police had detained Chernyshev themselves be summoned for questioning

today's interrogation Alla Chernysheva brought encouraging news: the investigation has not filed her charge of "telephone terrorism" and set "Fake Bomb". Вместо этого  она дала подробные показания о противоправных действиях милиционеров, задержавших вчера  Аллу вместе с двумя детьми 4 и 6 лет.

Дознаватель Kalnitsky had them included in the case, despite his reluctance.

Earlier Alla reported that she had been threatened by deprivation of parental rights if she not confess to crimes attributed to her.
Attorneys and Alla intend to ensure that criminal proceedings were instituted for those who detained her on February 10 with a variety of procedural violations. Why are they so eagerly sought by her recognition? Maybe someone of them are very relevant to the crime and is vitally interested to slander an activist?
Recall that the message about the alleged bomb threat was used first for the dispersal of the rally environmentalists February 1, protesters against building Stations young naturalists and cemetery of the victims of the Gulag in Khimki. Then, after more than a week, Khimki OBOP delayed Alla Chernyshev, and the press office of Internal Affairs MO voiced against environmentalists charge that they themselves allegedly produced a "professional fake explosive device." A spokesman MoD police someone Gildeev yesterday publicly accused Alla Chernyshev that it was she who found a fake bomb on the spot action.
Yesterday it became clear Alla is a case brought by Khimki police under "hooliganism" as a witness. No formal charges have been brought against her today.

welfare movement Khimki Forest thanked lawyer human rights organization "principle" Dmitry Trunina for their help and hopes that this inventors and artists scam "bomb" will be punished, as well as officials who have used their service capabilities to distribute defamation and disinformation.


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