Monday, February 21, 2011

Can You Drink Milk When You Have Anemia?

24 февраля защитники лесов усадьбы Архангельское судятся с Вексельбергом

46 hectares of forest in the estate near Moscow, Arkhangelsk illegally rented structures close to the businessman Viktor Vekselberg.
Museum-Estate of Arkhangelsk, Krasnogorsk district of Moscow region

Arkhangelskoye Estate. Last chance, or Innovation v. National commons

On February 24 at the Arbitration Court of Moscow Region appointed meeting claims Rosokhrankultura to invalidate contracts lease forest plots (three plots area of 46 ha), located in a landscape park manor Arkhangelskoye end of XVIII - early XIX centuries.

From outcome of these cases depends the future of the world-renowned architectural and park ensemble.

According to media rights to lease these areas belong to structures associated with the famous oligarch, president of the Skolkovo V. Vekselberg.

information about the trial: Judge Uvarov, SA, Hall № 426, the top court at 12.00 and 12.10. Address Arbitration Court of Moscow area: Academician Sakharov Prospect, 18 ; telephone reference service (495) 661-30-05 , press releases secretary (495) 608-62-80 . 24 th held hearings on two sites, the third section of the preliminary meeting is scheduled for March 22.

Contact defenders Archangel:

Deputy Chairman of the Board Mosoblotdeleniya VOOPIiK Eugene neighbor, tel.: 8-909-983-04-13 , 916-36-27 .


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