Thursday, February 17, 2011

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lemonade powders

[info] aquatek_filips laid out in his collection television commercials 90, and I remembered something, about the "water-chemical Trinity: Zuko, Invite and Jupiter. Keep in mind, perhaps it? :)

's Invite:

's Jupiter (1996)

Process then moved so:
1. First, to replace the Soviet natural lemonade with nondescript labels and a single lid came convenient and more lightweight plastic bottles with screw tops. Massively this happened around the beginning of 1994. Lemonade had different romantic name, bright labels themselves are very bright - Red, orange, yellow, and sometimes even blue.
2. Then suddenly become fashionable here, these powders from advertising. At first it seemed very unusual and stirred interest - the principle of "do it yourself a lemonade." What is the year? I think somewhere in 1995-the first, perhaps, the 2 nd half of the 94-th. I remember that we have to work 50-year-old aunt muttered: "huh you have this chemistry slurp, eh? taste good now! ". And the youth willingly soda pitchers on the whole sitting and meetings.
3. About the middle of 1996, the Soviet lemonade on old technology died as a mass phenomenon, and finally gave way to trade clearing plastic dashboard and powders. Apparently, production was unprofitable, but and archaic glass bottle did not add the consumer choice award.

At the same time, I want to note the use of such powders has not been the prerogative of the "poor": this time it was just terribly fashionable. I remember the case of the 1997. I arrived in Vlad and stopped at a friend's apartment semnoy American director regional office fund. He was not only non-poor, but on the contrary: only for sublet apartment U.S. government was paying him $ 600, which in those days for us it seemed simply impossible sum. Well, Americans loved Zuko: in the kitchen, he had a collection of colorful powders, species 8. And he readily diluted them to eat, was drinking them and even created one cocktails.

After a while people gave this name Technologies zapey piano zukoy: "Farewell, liver!". Then they are at once and suddenly, out of fashion and came to naught in the stores. It seems to me that it happened in the late 90's, when the former Soviet people, as they say, "swallowed enough ".
And you drank this chemistry then? I suppose you bred pitchers as well? Kolites! :-)


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