Sunday, February 20, 2011

How To Masterbate In A Camper

of nostalgia and patriotism Say a Word ...

long did not write anything about Canada. The first emotion once settled, pougasla euphoria. Earlier regular paragraphs and facts about Canada came to naught. With this in mind spins so much for writing the full information positions, but different all the time fotoputeshestviya prevent:). So let this post will be about patriotism on nostalgia, yes. In the best sense of those words, not radical, without a torn vest on his chest, bathed in tears, without fat. Hackneyed theme, frayed and picked on all sides. Nevertheless, I want to insert their 5 frivolous cents. More text - this is not teaching good sense, not a manual for unparsed in itself. This is just an impulsive look at the eternal question ...

Part 1. Patriotism.
I watched yesterday battle of the titans match century hassle losers NHL fight between our local maple leaf and metropolitan senators. Before the start of each hockey game national (-s) anthem (s) shall be binding. This is usually done by different singers, young and old, famous and not so. At this time announcer hall that today the anthem was played nobody, so the whole arena and will be a singer today. Sounded the first chords of the Canadian national anthem, after which the music is completely subsided, and all the ice arena choir sang the national anthem in unison. United and confident voice thousands of average Canadians. I think this way sounds patriotism . He is not in loud slogans of "Dassia - for dusskih! or "Hi Givet our Nenko Bruklaina!". He is not in massacres in Manezhke or UPAvskih parades. No, he's a simple and mundane things in a simple and commonplace people. Video dissipate at 07:00.

As Ironically, it is not in the final of a tournament. This is a game of two outsiders. Well, can you imagine such a match-Kryvbas Illychivets or Rostov-Wings Advice? And now, please. And there are many examples .

or Well here's another video . At the next match (already in the U.S.) a little girl invited perenervnichala so that she turn off the microphone during the performance of the anthem. Affects how easily and quickly picked up the arena is not the easiest from a musical point of view anthem.

anything special in the knowledge of his hymn no. Nothing complicated - even more so. I remember in Ukraine was a time when football matches on every team seat lay a piece of paper with the text of the anthem, but I still remember that on the electronic advertising boards around the stadium allowed the text. Still did not help, well, do not know how people sing nothing but Serduchka, was not used to be proud of their national anthem. Although I should note that we have with this is much better than their neighbors the Russians, who somehow fatally no luck with the anthem: that great music without words imposed, then returned to the old powerful, but still historically outdated, Soviet music, providing its tortuous and sometimes ridiculous words ( Gesch, well, a little text in debility written © Dobkin ). As a result of the population still remembers the old Soviet anthem and the mind sings him, the other does not remember anything and had not learned a new, well and very ardent patriots learned and proud of it. In / In Ukraine, the text know, I think, better. Like and sing even more frequently. Though still not imagine this, as in the above two videos. But it does not matter ...

For many years, looking for any more or less serious sporting event, whether it's the World Cup, Olympics, Goodwill Games, I draw attention to how shitty our (then under our I and the Russian and Ukrainian with the same brush) athletes are proud of their country and their flag. Stand with glass eyes, eyes like this opened and look , someone is trying to lips move - whether seeds from the teeth pick out, or a line about " zginut nashі vorozhenki " not pronouncing ... But the Germans some their haylgitlery bundesovskie For some reason druzhnenko sing, do not stutter. Yes, even if you do not sing it in his eyes concentrated there is something elusive - the pride of chtoli? ..

No, of course, not all and not always and everywhere . But still. That Russian boys, those in Buffalo championship won , and then could not fly home for reasons quite understandably - that they are surprised. I watched the semifinal and final - so practically everyone sang a hymn. Do not argue, hockey-singers - not a sight for the faint of heart, but it was somehow nice and even creeps some movement on the back started a the moment ...

So here in Canada - a country of immigrants, multicultural, multinational landfill - a very interesting approach to patriotism. And he differs radically from the neighboring SShAvskogo where patriotism inculcated by any means, though or by crook, from early childhood (which, incidentally, is still better than nothing). In the U.S., each and every - American, son of Uncle Sam and Statue of Liberty, no matter what he all relatives somewhere in zadnitsestane still sews sneakers ... Canada has managed to create an artful breeding program of patriotism, in which a common national idea does not exist (as a true and unified nation).

Every immigrant - resident of Canada - primarily Indian / Filipino / Polish / Ukrainian / Albanian / and etc., and then the Canadian. This, of course, does not say directly, but hinted kakbe. Want to go to paranzhah - please have to run to pray 6 times the working day - Run, to the funeral of the late throw all the clothes for all quarters - yes for heaven's sake, the municipality then will remove your rubbish, you need national festivals and holidays - of course, please ... And you know what? It works! Say what you like, but sooner or later the immigrant begins to be proud of what he given such freedom in the cultural-nationalist self-determination. And then he goes to the dollar store and buy a Canadian flag, which touches on the car / balcony next to the already hanging native ...

Yes, flags everywhere here. Canadian flags are small, medium and huge hung everywhere. Almost any municipal building, factory, an office equipped with flagpoles, which flies all day long and waving the maple leaf. Well, ordinary citizens are not lagging behind. Well, let's during last year's World Cup everything is riding on vehicles, adorned with all sorts of flags - this is understandable. And without regular ChMa and constantly see cars that have a roof prisobacheny flags - usually two: mother and a Canadian. Just like that. Because pride. Because thankful. On the houses often hang - not on holidays, as well as for beauty. Because pride.

's probably not worth reminding about Canadian beer Molson , advertising is very accurately, vividly and charmingly attractive hits to the heart (or wherever the power button is patriotism?). I - Canadian - a resident of a free and rich country, and I'm proud of it. But what about in the first place my own nationality, which I wrote above? So that's the thing, my own nationality is not prejudiced and actively fueled freedom. Freedom of choice, freedom of religion, freedom of cultural and national entertainment. It is this granted to virtually for fun, freedom and gives rise to patriotism and love of your sheltered country.

Canada - very interesting geo-cultural and politico-social experiment. Yes, old-Europe in the face of Germany (not only) is already beginning to choke on immigration and acknowledged the failure and inability to multinational ideas. Yes, and I'll confess, too, is not one citizen of the world, who loved all neighbors regardless of skin color and the name of God. Frankly, far wrong - I have a lot of claims to certain groups, as allocated by race and by religion. Yes, I probably would not mind hear from fellow Harper (yes from any Canadian politician) something like that is attributed to various Australian ministers (Google text " immigrants and Australians should not adatirovatsya "). It is worth saying that in fact the text for the most part was bloated duck , plying around inetu for several years (the last time on the background of developments in the Russian text was arhipopulyaren in runet). But it is a separate - very difficult, slippery and controversial topic, which I honestly do not want to pick up the pages of his diary ...

somehow got muddled, probably because of offhand. Funny to hear talk of patriotism out of the mouth has not even held (passports something yet) emigrant. But in fact, immigration is very helpful in this regard. I was, is and remains a patriot of Ukraine, is not an ardent nationalist, and not, as a moderate, but a patriot. I'm just pleased to recall that I was born in this wonderful city as Kiev, he grew up and lived most of his life there, that country has traveled far and wide, that had seen enough of natural beauty and human horrors. I still continue to worry about the future of this country, to leave which I had only "due to" absence at the helm of a strong, intelligent and non-greedy people (Simultaneous to). I believe that someday, my homeland will come out from the sump, in which it is itself a deeper digs.

But all this does not prevent me to love and other countries. Who said that patriotism should be monogamous ? Nonsense. Canada - my new country, where it will not name, because I was born not here. But here's the New Homeland - safely. I have not yet been reborn, but I believe that I can. Because there are all conditions for this. And suppose I will have two homelands, two hymns, the text that I know (even if one of them is still not completely), two flags, which I am ready to swing ... Let.

Part 2. Nostalgia.
With this more difficult, than with patriotism. Nostalgia disguised nostalgia blamed nostalgic attempt to build a rank of conscience. It's so silly it all. For me, nostalgia - It's just a good memory of the past . This is not the love of birches and chamomile. It's love and longing for the past - on childhood, our home / yard by childhood friends, the enemies of his childhood. But still - this is memory and longing by what is not retrieved. All we toss their homes and move to other, looking for where it is better, cleaner, deeper and more comfortable. This is not a betrayal. Betrayal - forget it.

Well, take me. Well, for what (not why , and on what ) I should have nostalgia, who explain? I was born in Kiev. At age one left Chortkiv, four - in the GDR, where he lived for 5 years! Then another year in the Trans-Baikal, and then had returned to Kiev. I'm nostalgic and in Kiev and in Germany and even the creepy backwoods Trans-Baikal military district, Olovyanninskogo district, village Steppe. I miss you, but I understand it - the past, do not return. You can go to places where I grew up, you can see horrified how things have changed, but it will not change anything. The memory will remain exactly what memories, what I want to remember. This is nostalgia.

Somehow I recently came across while two posts on a related topic, but fundamentally different in meaning. In one author is extremely confusing trying to talk about his love for family and friends through opposition to immigration (even had podiskutirovat with it in the comments). From another I wanted to steal some of the text and replace Japan on Canada , that way, I'll do with the permission of the author (Highly recommended reading, among other things):
Our lives in Canada - not a fairy tale. We also have problems and bad mood. But in fact it has little to do with that particular country. All cockroaches inside us. Moving from country to country, you can not leave them at home. Therefore, if someone thinks that the move will do it automatically happy, then maybe he will be disappointed. Especially considering the fact that the first year of adaptation can be very complicated. There are no ideal States. Each has both positive aspects and negative. And the meaning of the move for me to find a country whose advantages are important to you and make happier and cons of not annoying.
© [info] nobody_s_fool .

To sum up, I say: I'm nostalgic, miss, miss, I remember the past. I very missing relatives and friends who had to leave her there, beyond the ocean. I sincerely believe that I can drag and drop at least a few of them here or somewhere yet where we can see more and more. I would also like to believe that in our lifetime something will turn in the same Ukraine so that want to come back. I believe ... Well, while I'm polygamy. I would love my childhood in Rechlin and for this the whole of Germany. I will still love the sport and with it the ache is equivalent, as for the Ukrainians, as well as for Russian, but soon and for Canadians. I will remember bosyatskuyu school on the "boulevard" J. Hasek, high school, institute, etc. Nostalgia will torment day and night. Nostalgia - it's a good memory, even tortured. I want it all to remember, but I do not want to be tied to these memories, because I want to move forward. Going forward, I want to save yourself many different nostalgia to the whole old enough. Old age, in which I will remember not only one birch tree outside the window, but the checkpoint at the entrance to the German part of town, and the majestic river Ingoda , and a tiny hotel room in Lviv, where we have lived almost half a year, and the magnificent High Park, and much more ...

PS № 1: Russia for me, too, relatives and friends of the country.
Ps № 2: mentioned at the beginning of the match between outsiders conference (at that time, over time, the contents of links could change!) ended with a truly idiotic as for hockey, a goalless draw. By bullets has won the Ottawa. Rouzhill and Lessard as usual blows . :)
PS № 3: Homeland with a capital P - is the love of the past. Motherland - is not a country - it is your childhood, youth, the first one, the first two, first love ...


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