Friday, February 11, 2011

Boiled Water Good For You

Ottawa. The first acquaintance-2. Nepamyatniki and nemonumenty.

Ottawa - is not only lions, hockey, Indians, spiders, musicians, African children, lively and courageous generals Auntie . In order to parse remnants of photos from the trip, I propose to run through the Canadian capital just so, a kind of vigorous Brownian step without any thematic bundles text and photos. That is to say, the most useless and uninteresting facts about one of the youngest cities in Canada. "Young" is not in the sense of age of the city itself, but in terms of age of its residents - more than half the residents of Ottawa under the age of 38 years.

Ottawa located practically on the same parallel with Saint-Etienne, Milan, Venice, Zagreb, Dzhankoy, Stavropol, Baikonur, Taldykurganom, Harbin. Practically on the same meridian with Washington, the military Guantanamo base, Bogota, the island of Prince Charles. Ottawa is considered one of the coldest capitals in the world, along with Moscow, Astana and Ulan Bator. Territory municipal holdings of Ottawa twice in Luxembourg.

Especially for homesick compatriots mayor's office has established special birch. As it should be decent citizens, we have approached, hugged, wept and walked away.

Back in 1912, it seems to me, Railroad Tycoon would have been very popular - zheleznodorozhnichestva boom that started in the 19 th century, has come to North America. One of the largest on the continent railway corporations, serving Quebec, Ontario and nearby U.S. states, preparing for the opening of the station in Ottawa. I'm generally a fan of train stations - like I atmosphere reigning at the stations - a disturbing, but such an intriguing bustle, the atmosphere of travel, but this time we kind of ran past without even glancing inside the old station of Ottawa. A pity. Hence, the next time ... By the way, this station - a long time and not the station at all. In Ottawa, built a new main station (already not in the trump place), and the old building podrihtovali, updated, but made him a government conference hall (Government Conference Centre). And by the way, there is within Meeting with hollow Corinthian columns, whose architecture is exactly the same piece of waiting room of the New York station. I would have been an architect, so I was surprised ...

What a station so no hotel for her? So the owner decided the very same railway company (rich, perhaps, was the uncle) and ordered the construction of trendy hotel a la Castle "akkurat opposite the station. There she is, below the photo - hotel / hotel / castle Chateau Laurier (Fairmont Château Laurier). By the end of construction new station and the hotel owner of all this goodness was a friendly visit in distant England. Here comes a telegram "almost all the PTA Come more pt without you do not start the PTA shampusik in the fridge " . flurried Charles Melville Hays in such a hurry at the opening ceremony Castle and its stations, in such a hurry, so hurry that managed to buy a ticket on the Titanic. Alas, had to be done without opening the main culprit of the celebration.

Or this story about a poor tinsmith Fuazi Honore (Honore Foisy - approx.: I suspect, a Frenchman. The language does not speak, knowing, correct, pliz, pronunciation ). Business was not very good, customers were few, no one needed buckets, cups, spoons. A Honore was the smartest guy and talented. Toys, jewelry and decor were obtained He is much better than any other utensil. But some people did not know. Correct this fact succeeded with the help of outdoor advertising - a master figured was revived with the facade of his house tin. Seeing the beauty of Taku, Rushed customers. Life will be adjusted ... Then, after the death Fuazi, in 1961, soulless gradoupraviteli demolished 'tin' house Although the facade is still partially preserved. But 50 years later restored the element tin history has received new life on the wall of one of the nearby houses.

In the first part of dating from Ottawa, I mentioned that his appearance the city is essentially required Rideau Canal - the most important strategic object - a waterway connecting the Ottawa River to Kingston - a port on Lake Ontario. Canal stretches for 202 kilometers (about 20 miles of them - man-made) and partly absorbed the Rideau River and Katarakvi and several small and medium-sized lakes. Thanks, and contrary to the complex geological terrain channel has turned out quite extreme - 45 locks at 23 stations, most of which are stored and maintained in the form originally conceived and managed manually. Mates from UNESCO so pleased that in 2007 they included the channel in the List of World Heritage Sites.
say in winter when the canal freezes, it becomes the longest rink in the world - the area between the two stations, gateways length 7.8 km is a place of mass celebrations, skating and active physical recreation. We are, though, and came in winter, though dragged along ridges, though frozen to strings (up to that to which is usually wet), but the rink was never caught - poluzamerzshy channel to skating somehow not really has ...

Rideau Canal. The Ottawa station, 8 locks. Left of the picture - the building, which served as the service space during the construction of the canal. Technically - this is the first municipal building of the future capital of Canada.

In Ottawa, no skyscrapers. The height of all buildings under construction is limited height Parliament - the most famous architectural structure of Canadian capital. I remind you that we were walking on the first day of Christmas, so inside Naturally, we have not got. But there is outside, to look at.

Especially at night!

on your next visit to the capital I will definitely get on the observation deck of the main tower of Parliament - Towers of the World (Peace Tower) , but for now tell you about eynuyu feature. As with almost any main tower respects a city, Ottawa is equipped with a clockwork mechanism. But here, a little way from the bell towers of lucky-musical mechanism, installed on it (smart people call him carillon ). Complex musical instrument of 53 bells controlled using the keyboard (like the body) by specially trained man - karilonerom.
Kariloner - the work is difficult, but honorable. Andrea MakKreydi - current head kariloner Canada (Dominion Carillonneur) - Family Doctor 30-year veteran, took over as chief Canadian karilonera in 2008, succeeding the legendary Gordon Slater, the call-back in the Tower of Peace in 1931 its life. From September to June every day (!) For 15 minutes, and in July and August - for the whole hour, from under the roof of the Tower of the World carried by the sounds of bells. Frankly, If I knew about this before, I would definitely listen to what was now in rotation at Dr MakKreydi, but we missed each other and the music at that time ...
In addition to live music, the Ottawa chimes, of course, celebrate, and every hour. And of course, nothing like the Westminster battle - thereby that BigBene. Who would doubt.

Once again marveled at the local (Canadian) to the police. Instead of a stern look to carry their hard service, one of the bored duty police officers ran around the area, caught the frozen single travelers and offered them his help in photography. I even began to suspect that he is for it to serve the Parliament and sent to - clearly, that is almost always at the family photos is not enough one person, which is not good and should be corrected. Here he is in the picture just photographed the whole family on a background of Parliament, and then himself also proposed another and against the background of his duty machine engraved. Interestingly, Russian police new law on police will also conduct themselves?

Having circled the Parliament, you can stumble on the Canadian version Tsar-Bell , although Canada is wise to sound the Governor-General-Bell. Below in the photo, he was lying on the background of the Parliamentary Library. And the story of this bell is as follows: in the original version of the Parliamentary buildings place the Tower of the World occupied Tower Victoria , and indeed the central unit was quite different. So in the old building one of a February evening (it was in 1916) had a fire. It all started with a smoldering garbage (most likely, cigars) in the trash in the reading room. While not very bright servants ran after gaff and a red bucket, the fire had already spread from the newspapers, books and magazines on the wooden floor and spread with terrific speed. Session of Parliament was in full swing, when it was declared a general evacuation. History tells us that, considering the scale of the festering tragedy, the valiant members of parliament together with the officers, organized a human chain for removal of the most valuable pieces of furniture, art, documents from the blazing building.

Tower burnt to midnight, and soon the bell crashed to the ground. I think that's the way it was. But because the fire will remain in history: "... in the night sky ablaze the main building of the young country. Onlookers from the neighborhood stood together with the ministers and embracing, crying, looking at the death of the Parliament building. The glow of fire against the black as tar, the sky could be seen in many quarters of the fire. At midnight silence cut low, loud, loud ringing - Governor-General-Bell saluted Canadians and said goodbye to them. With bated breath, with eyes full of tears, young and old, keep your eyes on fire embraced the tower clock and cupola. 12 strokes died away. Viscous, almost palpable silence engulfed the entire area. And at this moment with a sound like a heavy groan of pain, burnt overlap yielded fire, and the bell fell down - in the heart of the ill-fire ... "

Bell Tower Victoria against the backdrop of the Parliamentary Library to shamelessly cropped top, fu.

My house is always open for you!
Here's my dining room.
All the furniture in her oak.
Here is a chair -
sit on it.
Here is a table -
Behind him eat.
"Koshkin House "© SY Marshak

During the Parliamentary library good people have built Cat's house, which quickly turned into a Belkin House. Impudent proteins devour dry food, as if a child was loved, but they did not give. Silent Mike Farley lazy, indifferent glance round us, they say, well, then stared - not see squirrels devour my meal, think of the event ...

But this here in Ottawa is a waterfall on the River Rideau. Winter looks quite colorful and showy.

Actually, all this place - a haven for those wishing to stick to the language of something else. Our guide to Ottawa even attempted to demonstrate how this is best done . What can I say, brave and experienced man. I would not dare.

Once again, that Ottawa is akkurat at the intersection of Ontario and Quebec - angloyazychnikov and Francophones. Gatineau - though sometimes considered to be almost the area of Ottawa, in fact, after all, separate City . What is there so desperate smokes? This paper mill, which produces the softest toilet paper in Canada, actually.

Settles Gatineau across the Ottawa River, where we went walking on the photogenic Royal Interprovintsialnomu Bridge behalf of the Queen Alexandra Danish.

View of Ottawa from Gatineau.

In Gatineau, we walked a long time - passed under the bridge, which is expected in spring rozen-in boat.

glad this winter, snow, sun and frost. View from the Bridge:

Finally, on the way back to Ottawa, Gatineau imprinted on the memory in the form of clickable panoramki:

At this point, perhaps, everything. Thank you, Ottawa! Merry Christmas, Ottawa! Merry Christmas, Canada!

PS Those who have finished reading проскроллировал этот пост до победного конца, знайте, что я проапгрейдил первую часть оттавского отчета : добавил абзац на две фотки. Рекомендую к чтению scrolling!


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