Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Feeling Wet 3 Days Before Period

That's bredyatina so bredyatina ...

looked, finally, the film "The Edge" by using the courtesy of Channel One, hath brought his audience to the holiday akkurat 23rd February.

Earlier this filmets few times I called to see my colleague from Irkutsk [info] mkrainov , saying that there " trains many the railroad, although the plot and shit ". I somehow lingered, and then thought - Torrent, look, but also in no hurry. And then - it seems at first box.

In general, meticulously reviewed did not see much point, and carefully (as I can politely) say this:
1. On the storyline, the film - and the infernal fucking pizdostradaniya in the worst form of class I see. "
2. For locomotive and rail - yes, they are really a lot that is good, but ... all that is imbedded in the mouth of the characters and invented "Tipo a chip "director about the railway - and the infernal fucking thrash. That's right, and not otherwise - from the races on an opposite for 60 km to the rest.
I impression that the director decided nafantazirovat and stuff with the movie fucked up as much as possible to disrupt the cash desk at the box office cinema.

And the more I have nothing to say on the film. Zvinyayte if someone accidentally zaobidel:)


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