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Defenders Khimki and Solnechnogorsk forest united against the slopes!

in Solnechnogorsk district of Moscow region planned large-scale deforestation under section 29-58 km toll highway Moscow - St. Petersburg, who follows her plot through Khimki forest. In addition, a large amount of forest can die due to construction CKAD.
Locals categorically against destroying nature in your area for roads and infrastructure projects. They, like the defenders of Khimki forest stand for the construction of additional lanes and reconstruction of the Leningrad Highway and remediation of other existing roads, which is incomparably better solve transportation problems, it is cheaper and easier to make. From now on, the defenders Khimki and Solnechnogorsk forests will fight for the preservation of nature together!
Read the article activist village. Mendeleevo Solnechnogorsk district Mikhail Vasiliev.

Forests Solnechnogorsk district plan to cut down to build a highway Moscow - St. Petersburg and Central ring road Road (Central Ring Road)

Deforestation Solnechnogorsk district - the second after Khimki forest planning an act of destruction of forests in the Moscow region under the construction of toll roads.

Head area highway Moscow - St. Petersburg, 15 km-58 km, including a section from the Moscow Ring Road to Solnechnogorsk, according to the plans of the State Company "Russian Roads" to be built until 2013. In this area with 29 km to 58 km will be run Forests Solnechnogorsk district of Moscow region.

head portion of the Central Ring Road intersection with the high-speed highway Moscow - St. Petersburg to the intersection with highway M-8, which is scheduled for commissioning in 2015, should be in the Solnechnogorsk district also pass through the forests.
These forests, as well as Khimki forest belong to the category of protective forests. And not just a protective forests and forests of 1 st and 2 nd zone of sanitary protection zones sources water, that is, play a crucial role in maintaining the water regime. It is in these forests originated Klyazma River, just downstream from where formed Klyazminskoe Reservoir, which is one of the sources of supply in Moscow.
Under highway Moscow - St. Petersburg and the Central Ring Road is planned formed to cut down spruce and mixed forests. Situated relatively close to Moscow, these forests are important for regulating the environmental situation in the capital and surrounding areas (air quality and drinking water). These forests provide a saving on their territory many species wild flora and fauna, including in the Red Data Book of Moscow Region (KCMO) (13-15 species of KCMO). By cutting is planned only in rare area strip highway Moscow - St. Petersburg in the area 15-58 km an array of old-growth larch artificial plantations near the village of Klushino. Our ancestors about 150 years ago took care of the reproduction of forests and planting these larch for us, their descendants, although the forest at that time were no match for the present. But Some descendants want to put the ax this priceless gift of our ancestors.

Snapshot successful mushroom hunting is made near the village Klushino Solnechnogorsk area just at the point where the planned high-speed highway Moscow - St. Petersburg. If an existing project highway Moscow-Saint Petersburg will be realized, then our children will be able to see this tree stump with mushrooms only in a picture

Who helped our officials to justify investment in the project? The answer to this question is on an official internet-site of the Ministry of Transport ( ). Ministry of Transport reports summarizing the results of the competition for justification of investment in the construction of a toll road from Moscow to St. Petersburg. Quote: "Competition Commission has decided the winner group of companies consisting of: JSC "GIPRODORNII" with 9 subsidiaries and subcontractors: Ernst & Young Limited, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer and Ramboll Danmark A / S ". Competition Commission took into account that the aforementioned partner OAO GIPRODORNII "pledge after state contracts to conclude the sub-contract to the appropriate scope of work. "

very doubtful that these foreign companies and their owners, who have never lived in Russia does not and will not live, to take care of our environment. Rather, the aim was simple - to invest a smaller and faster and more get.

irreversible damage to forests Solnechnogorsk district and, in general ecological situation in the northwest suburbs of the construction of expressways routes Moscow - St. Petersburg and CKAD featured in a number of environmental research and independent conclusions:
- at work, "The results of an independent environmental examination of the project construction speed highway Moscow - St. Petersburg in the area 15-58 km ", signed by many reputable Russian scientists;
- in the "Opinion on the draft Central Ring Road and STMSPb in Solnechnogorsk district, became the center of the Wildlife Conservation;
- in the" Conclusion about the ecological value of natural and man-made natural communities within the Solnechnogorsk district of Moscow region in the area of design CKAD "made by the Moscow Ecological Federation;
- in" Expert Report "of the Institute of Water Problems RAS.

Scientists note that because with the laying of roads will disappear or will be very much changed many valuable and extremely valuable natural objects such as old-growth plots old-growth coniferous-deciduous forests with a number of red-and rare plants among the village. Black Dirt and forth Klushino, especially valuable old-growth spruce with a pine forest near the village of Bukharova, fens near the village of pawns, especially valuable coniferous-deciduous forest near the village of Karpov valley natural complexes p. Klyazma, slope mixed forests of the former Verhneklyazminskogo Reserve and others

In particular, in its opinion, the Biodiversity Conservation Center notes that the forest Povarovskogo district forestry (near the villages Liyalovo, Zilina, Nikolsky, Bolkashino, Buharova), who must break runs into several parts to lose ability to perform ecosystem functions, and its resistance to adverse effects of sharp falls. It is estimated that organization, only hundred meter ROW Central Ring Road and the highway Moscow - St. Petersburg will be irretrievably lost more than 350 hectares of forests, as a result of fragmentation - more than 500 ha. Inevitable development infrastructure and construction in the future will further exacerbate the ecological situation in the area.

existing project highway Moscow - St. Petersburg adopted with a gross violation of Russian forest legislation on citizens' participation in the preparation of decisions, implementation of which could affect on forests for their use, including construction of roads in forests. Public hearings on the draft passage of a line in Solnechnogorsk area were not conducted.

analysis of satellite photos of areas that are accessible through the Internet, and analysis of the actual building area shows that at a specified area 29-58 km of the future highway in Solnechnogorsk district there is a real alternative possibility of passing a new highway Moscow - St. Petersburg the territories, completely free from the forest, or areas where you want the minimum felling of the forest fund.

But the study of legal documents relating to this question leads to the idea that the developers of the project aims not so much solve the transport problem as the seizure of federal lands forest reserve in the band and removes the trails with their subsequent use for commercial activity. Thus, the scheme is applied to the sad well-known decision of the Government of Moscow region on April 28, 2006 № 358/16 «On measures for the construction of high-speed highway Moscow - St. Petersburg, signed by the Governor Boris Gromov, almost the entire array of Solnechnogorsk forests around the future route is marked as "land reserved for the placement capital construction and transport infrastructure. "

Under public pressure, and in particular the defenders Khimki forests, in 2009 this decision was reversed. But aside from referring to the action of ruling head of Solnechnogorsk municipal district of Moscow region on August 6, 2007 № 1968 "On approval of the project boundaries of land plots for construction of federal highway M-10" Russia "...", which does not annex any schemes and project plan approved by the resolution. Thus, the project under territorial land the track was not available for residents.
What is the purpose of these projects - the seizure of forest land for future use by commercial activities supported by the fact that to projects contracted a French company Vinci, which is the bulk of profits from the operation toll routes in Europe gets not due to the cost of travel, and the revenues from the operation of road infrastructure.
However, simple economic calculation shows that the route in principle, not really recoup by charging only the fare. Indeed, the cost of constructing the highway Moscow - St. Petersburg from Moscow to Solnechnogorsk length of 43 km, declared in the "Program of the State Company" Russian roads "(document approved by the RF Government № 2146) is almost 60 billion rubles. If the declared cost of travel 3 rubles per kilometer, the stream 20 000 vehicles per day (in reality, I think, will be even less) that the annual income from the operation of this site is a little less billion. If we assume that the usual rate of return minus the overhead costs of operation is 10% of revenue, profits should reach 100 million rubles per year. Thus, the track will pay off for ... 600 years. Here it becomes clear that recoup the track can only be due to income from the operation of a roadside infrastructure, as it makes the attraction of the French company Vinci in Europe. And for that we need free land along the trails. In Moscow suburbs have not yet shared and not stolen by only federal lands of forest fund. Here is the answer to the question why investors decided to pursue the route is on forest lands. They represent such a tasty morsel for big business and the associated bureaucracy.
in favor of the predatory plans of bureaucrats and big business from the forest and environmental legislation eliminated those past norms that somehow able to protect the forest from barbaric destruction. Amendments the Forest Code of the Russian Federation to make use of green structures for construction already have been well documented as outraged residents of Khimki and representatives of environmental organizations. But the assault on environmental laws continues. In April 2010, MEP cancels its "Rules use of forests for construction, reconstruction, maintenance of power lines, communication lines, roads, pipelines and other linear objects. "
More - more. In December 2010 the Ministry of Agriculture withdraws his paper "Particulars of use, protection and reproduction of forests located in water protection areas, forests, acting as protection of natural and other objects, valuable forests and forests located in specially protected areas of forests, which directly prohibiting the cutting width of over 25 meters in the forests of the above categories. This means that the regulatory framework has been prepared for construction in the forests of Solnechnogorsk district routes Moscow - St. Petersburg and the Central Ring Road with a width of only one of the roadway is about 50 m.
And how old Leningrad highway, where many vacationers will travel and public transport, which will not be allowed on the toll route?
little more digits. As follows from the Federal Program "Development of Transport System of Russia (2010 - 2015 gg.)" approved by Government Decree № 848 as amended on December 22, 2010, at reconstruction of the road M-10 "Russia" from Moscow through Tver, Novgorod and St. Petersburg should be allocated 8 billion 421 million rubles. We have already said that a 43 km toll road to Solnechnogorsk planned to allocate 60 billion rubles. That is, for all 680 km of the old stands Leningradki money 7 times less than in the first 43 km of toll road. That would be the 60 billion on reconstruction of the old Leningrad highway! Maybe the new highway is not would be needed?

currently in Solnechnogorsk district growing movement against the existing project highway Moscow - St. Petersburg and the Central Ring Road. Conducted to collect signatures under the Appeal to the President of Russia to develop an alternative project of a highway Moscow - St. Petersburg in the area 29-58 km away from the black mud to Solnechnogorsk with maximum use of areas and spaces, free from the forest.

concern shared by residents and some local authorities. Thus, the Board of Deputies of the urban settlement Mendeleevo Solnechnogorsk district has decided to support the initiative residents and appeal to the president, the governor of Moscow region and in the administration of Solnechnogorsk district with a proposal to consider the possibility development of alternative project routes pass along the Leningrad Highway (Council Decision of Deputies № 17/7-10 from December 22, 2010).

Peat fires the summer of 2010, which led to an environmental emergency in the Moscow region, were a direct consequence of an ill-felling of forests and reclamation activities in the Moscow region. Deforestation Solnechnogorsk district, as well as destroying other few remaining forests of the Moscow area will be one more step to an environmental disaster, the first signs of which we have to experience for yourself the summer of 2010.

Mikhail Vasiliev

If you want to help fight the forest Solnechnogorsk district:

1. Contact with the initiative group. Contact is 8-919-786-06-83 or e-mail

2. Download and send this letter to the president.

Text handling subscription list

3. Collect signatures against the construction of highway Moscow - St. Petersburg Solnechnogorsk through the forest.

signature list

4. In addition, on March 1, at 15.00, near the monument in Moscow Griboyedov held picket against the aforementioned company Vinci , which together with the Russian mafia plans to profit from the scandalous project. Disseminate information the picket!


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