Friday, February 25, 2011

Green Beans Spark In Microwave

55 years of anti-Stalinism

And I must say that Stalin planned operations on the globe. (Animation in the hall.)
Yes, comrades, take a globe and show it the front line.

NS Khrushchev, February 25, 1956, from a speech at the Convention of KPSS XX

Today - 55 years old "secret" report of Khrushchev at the closing session XX Convention of KPSS, which marks the historic milestone - the beginning of the official anti-Stalinism. This political improvisation Nikita Sergeich, in my opinion, was a colossal mistake that led to mass events Negative plan - both on short-term effects and long-term. He has created, in the short term, hundreds of thousands mankurts, "the Sixties" but in the longer term - millions mankurts, "devyanostnikov (bruised in the brain propaganda is later, Yakovlev, Gorbachev's wing). Although in fairness, many of them in the zero years turned back, seeing the obvious: namely, that the official anti-Stalinism involved on the proportion of 30% truth and 70% lies and fraud and mostly preached to the masses by selfish mudantami .
* * *
As for my personal milestone, then he became a special issue of the journal "Homeland" (№ 6-7 of 1991) to the 50 th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War. He, in fact, represented a triumph of anti-Stalinism in its the most irreconcilable, Yakovlevskaya-wing and left before the August-1991, in early July. In doputchevom USSR. Under the brand name of "unknown page" War Journal dragged to the masses using the popular science reputation, a variety of myths - from the "misunderstood" and "unexplored" Vlasov and Bandera to "expose" Zhukov. Not disdaining and more fine manipulation. Showing all of the magazine - a very time-consuming exercise, so I will show here only slightly, namely, why was I uncoil coil in the opposite direction.

Cover of "Homeland", dedicated to the 50 th anniversary of the Great Patriotic

2. After the cover is beautiful here such a big spread - the opposition "real soldiers" to two tyrants, koi were depicted on the cover. Curious propose guess man marked by an arrow, which is modestly and unobtrusively placed in the Areopagus of the winners.

3. Two pages in a magazine devoted to Zhukov, who also exposes and is represented in the "right" light. One of the pages - a poem Brodsky.

4. The second - an article by A. Mertsalova, Ph.D., professor.

5. Advertisement Rooms dragged here almost everybody who could help expose the "myth of the Great Patriotic War": Lithuanian nationalist historians, the Western Ukrainian, belodelskih and others. The room lit up with a variety of subtypes, is richly illustrated with photos of Stalin.

6. But what startled me there, as explicit manipulation, and ultimately forced to apply to the study of the history of war (and the Stalin era as a whole) more closely. This page is dedicated to reprinting Churchill's Fulton speech.

7. In the journal she served as the latest revelation "scoop" that hid the truth, "but we brought him to clean water" and discovered Finally, dear reader is the true text. I'm reaching this passage, much surprised. After all, Fulton speech of Winston Churchill was 2 days after delivering nearly completely (omitted was 2 or 3 paragraphs not related to the Soviet Union) was published in the newspaper "Pravda" of the same, 1946. I read this speech it was there and so was greatly surprised. To read it, did not require any "the collected works of English" - it was only to go on the library ticket to the regional library and ask the newspaper files for the 1 st quarter of 1946. It seems such a respected journal, I thought, why make a divorce reader? In short, positive communication with anti-Stalinism was the moment is broken and I became much more careful as to supply materials and to its selection.

After that I began to explore number of careful and put it on learning, rather than "swallowing interesnenkogo. So for me a sample of negative myths branded authoritative scientism was not korotichsky Ogonyok 1987-1990, and this issue of the motherland. " So he stayed with me for almost 20 years - during which time many things happened. Then came Zemskov with the study of repression, then - the military losses Krivosheeva, history study of Stalin - and so on and so forth. By 1999, I have matured and pereprochtenie "Archipelago" AI Solzhenitsyn. In general, anti-Stalinist mythology first few Thawed, and then collapsed with a bang: it was important to recognize the fact of manipulation (Does not matter, even small or large) and their methodology.

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But Khrushchev's "secret" report was detailed and thoroughly dismantled in 2007 in the book Grover Ferrat .

To quote the author:
In fact, I managed to do quite another discovery. Of all the allegations "secret report" directly "incriminating" Stalin or Beria, was not a truthful one. precisely this: to all those that are verifiable, were lying all of them. As it turns out, In his speech Khrushchev said of Stalin and Beria was nothing that would have been true. The whole "secret report" is woven entirely of fraud of this sort.

text of Khrushchev's speech


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