Thursday, February 10, 2011

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Spaghetti anabasis. XII - Genoa - New York the transatlantic

About Maritime Museum of Genoa, I said not everything. Sweet dessert left on a separate post:)
So, now let's spit on a different turnover rate, fast forward 100 years ago, we collect old bulk bag, take away with them all home, close close little room in an old house and the harbor of Genoa pobredem Seaport. There waiting for us, already under steam, the German "Konig Albert" nemudryaschaya ship food, and before that - the passport control and check-up. Our goal - to reach the longed-for New York and start a new life.
Why German liner? Because Italians and French taking more per ticket, not to mention the British out of White Star Line. So that the poor Genoese go to America for a new life Bremen "Norddeutscher" - It saves money, but a family with an ax, a large ...

2. Transatlantic exhibition at Maritime Museum - is the most important of his schtick, I thought. Resourceful and creative Italians have found a terrific impressionable form of communication with the audience: they play with him in the game. In the full multi-stage game, not only with children, and all - and adults too. Here in this entry came in "selling" tickets to the boat and "Deal" Italian passports of 1910.
Honestly confess: I at the entrance to this "Ellis Island" at first afraid that will have to pay again - and in fact before we gave the bottom to 26 euros per person for an integrated ticket:) I think Here's a redneck, eh! But the smiling man at the entrance gave us the tickets and passports, comforting "free! Free! Welcome to the new world!". Well ... we took their instruments, not quite knowing what for us, they and went to the palaces of the entrance ...)

3. First, the "Ellis Island" exhibition of posters, documents and books on transatlantic flights 1890-1925 years. As well as all marine, Sailing and steel. Walk, look, gets to the next stage ...

4. Here is a poster of the century, but the Italian carrier from Naples.

5. Painting with stately walking past the Ligurian coast liner "Deutschland". As I understand it, the Germans then actively spud Italy - both politically and economically.

6. Scenic photo of landing on the ship of Italian immigrants early XX century, and lunch in the mess of Class IV.

7. Berths Genoa Sea Port, Postcard 1910 By the way, we lived in about 10-15 minutes walk from this species.

8. After examination of historical artifacts visitor waiting room of passport control and quarantine Hall.

9. Here, in the window (where the light is red) to natural (!) Stamped handed to you at the entrance to the passport exit visa. It is interesting to come up with! :-)

10. And when zasunesh his passport, the person on the screen begins to move, concentrated stamp your passport, meticulously checking the data ... and here is your Document spits back, but with a border stamp! You can go further:)

11. Be inspected in the next closet, and now need to go to the pier with things to your ship.

12. The game continues: the stamped passport and a ticket to climb aboard and go to their cabins. Yes, exactly: Italians instead of showcases and exhibits built double-deck model of a liner with cabins and all other entourage - as a part of the real "Konig Albert" where we will spend five or six days before America.

13. Climb aboard. Next - a graphic picture of the liner in the cut: 70% of premises given to class I and II, and III, and IV class - only 30%, but there goes about 80% of all passengers. We were there in the lower classes - because we are immigrants, forever leaving Genoa and Guides to a new life in New York.

14. We rise, we pass to their cabins. Their belongings to fold here, a waiting room in the luggage.

15. And here is the cabin, IV class. She 20-bedded, with its washing rooms and toilets. Men's Cabin, a class IV was a strict separation of the floor.

16. You can sit down, sit down. Feel deeply (Composed of things of that era). And even lie down, but not with their feet:) But behind the wall urchat engines - the cabin below, they are far from them.

17. Let's go to the latrine, umoemsya. Of the cabin here is a wide door.

18. Pass through the corridor to the women's cabin, also 20 local. Then all gothic: simulated moonlight, hung drying underwear lingerie beginning of the century, children's clothes. Eerily realistic: and it seems that now near tears any baby, and mom-Italian it begins to calm down.

19. Okay, go out into the hallway. Strongly so there is realistic, a good little by little.

20. Per cabin - a small dining room in this class. A simple table with no frills, they placed an old kitchen utensils. You can sit down, pour a cup of tea (which makes the picture the author of post).

21. If you sat on the boat with some contagion - something to you here. Infection isolation.

22. Getting on the deck of a Class III.

23. Examination that here.

24. Ship clinic for passengers III and Class IV.

25. Cabin Class III (4-6 bedded, 2-tier). There is not as sad as the previous deck :-)

26. Cabin Class II. There is even better, and sink already own:)

27. Telegraph machine with Italian labels.

28. Finally, look at how civilized lunch crowd (approximately 10-12% of the passengers of the steamer).

29. Tableware.

30. Lady of the class I made is also quite realistic. Italians - big concoctor :-)

31. Well, have reached out to our ship. New York.
Now - Quarantine, then passport check, and then ... Next, an Italian, go to the blessed land, you'll get a new uncharted world! You will
difficult, of course, but your dear children, who are now 5-7 years, it will be good that way through the 15-17 years: they will acquire the most modern automatic weapons, sit down in a patent black Packard with soft seats and will be successfully touch the udder of decent Americans. And your name Genoa - Genovese - is very respected! Many, however, get shot all sorts of police, but this is small stuff!

32. Statue of Liberty is waiting for you, gentlemen! Thank you for using our liner Travel!

Well, transatlantic dessert you will enjoy - I hope like it! For me, emotionally it was very susceptible: not just a museum, but a realistic immersion into another reality, with small household items. That's what the Italians are strong - so it's the way they are able to induce emotions.
A "ice cream" We still have the interior and exterior of the Italian submarine S518 :-)

be continued.

Spaghetti anabasis :
0. Overview
1. Crossing the Alps
2. Milan Centrale station: a review of outside
3. Dining depot Milan-1
4. Station Milan Centrale inside and trains
5. Milan color, dotted
6. Milan subway
7. Milan tram
8. Milan. Technical Museum. The Da Vinci
9. Casual Italians
10. From Milan to Genoa by train
11. Genoa. Maritime Museum


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