Thursday, February 10, 2011

List Of Roller Skating Venues In London

Hero era 1861 - 1913

for lunch with colleagues arguing on a topic: Who of the leaders of the post-reform half a century (1861 - 1913) had the greatest impact (positive, with a plus sign) on the development of an empire? Approximately half an hour later agreed, albeit with a scratch on one particular candidate [as long as it does not call, so as not to affect for opinions].

I was curious, what do you think about this? Who at that time had the highest positive impact on the development of the Russian Empire as a whole? And why? Your version? (You can call 1-2 people)

early point - the abolition of serfdom (1861), later - the last full year before the First World (1913). Figures culture from ballet to literature does not propose a separate big topic with my rating. Suitable government, military and naval, scientific leaders, emperors, members of the dynasty, favorites, businessmen, industrialists, etc.


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