Sunday, February 20, 2011

Good Concealer Brands

В Химкинском лесу pasted leaflets

Defenders Khimki began preparations for shares on March 1 "Vinci, get out!" .

Evgeny Chirikov, Alla and Mikhail Chernyshev, Jaroslav Nikitenko, together with staff Memorial and British writer - a human rights activist, as well as four children stuck a few flyers in Khimki woods.

Recall that the action against the French construction company Vinci be held March 1 at 15.00 at the monument Griboyedov in Moscow m. "Pure ponds". you can help carry it out, make such leaflet and posting information about it online.

After a rally near home activist Chernysheva was spotted on duty is such a police car in the bushes.


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