Monday, February 7, 2011

Student High Interest Savings Account Ontario

Ottawa. The first acquaintance. Monuments yes monuments.

In Ottawa, we went to Christmas. We were warned that it will be cold. And it was Christmas, and it was cold. Actually, she took a walk to Ottawa to first day after Christmas, so we were lucky to contemplate a deserted, desolate, peaceful Ottawa. Nature, after reading Pushkin, has issued an ideal winter day - cold and sun. Sun, of course, we were happy, but with frost as something bad happened. On the first day poslerozhestvensky not a single soul had not planned work, therefore neither a cafe or restaurant - no one and nothing works! Rescue frozen traveler was, of course, the temple of food - McDonalds, all sheltered Paint the marginal society Canadian capital ... Nevertheless, we have divided the day into two halves - day and night and tried to get acquainted with Ottawa as close as possible.

Canadian capital correctly located at the intersection of English-speaking Ontario and French-speaking Quebec on both sides of the same river. On the French side is the Ottawa area, known as Gatineau (do not forget, the accent on the last syllable, otherwise some region near Moscow is obtained). The history of Ottawa, the Europeans began in the 17 th century, but the first full-fledged settlement happened here in the early 19 th century, more precisely in 1826, when a strategically important location was chosen for the construction of the strategically important Canal. The fact that the British Empire, recent war with the U.S. (the war of 1812, by the way!), found that the southern defensive forts of Upper Canada (at that time still a British colony) became quite vulnerable because of the impossibility of timely deliveries of weapons and food in these regions. To remedy this situation, it was decided the construction of the Rideau Canal, would link the deep river running down from the Ottawa River Rideau, which would smoothly and quickly fusing muskets and cavalry from the Montreal to the capital of the southern military district - Kingston. Supervise construction of the canal has been sent Lieutenant Colonel of the Royal Corps of Engineers John Bai . Actually, that's because from 1826 to 1832 around the building was originally a military and later for Industry and Commerce of the channel and formed settlement Baytaun .

Baytaun grew and developed, and within a couple of decades has grown into a full-fledged town, at the same time renamed Ottawa. It goes word "Ottawa" hails from the Indian past. At the site of the future of Canadian capital at the time lived and flourished (until he came a white man and not brought "Order" on the continent) Indians Odava ( traders ). I can not fail to mention that one of the last chiefs of the tribe has an independent Odava was Pontiac - one of the last chiefs, who had strength to fight the colonialists.

Already in 1857 the young city of the decision of Queen Victoria becomes capital of the united Province of Canada (prior to this capital city was Quebec City, even before that - Toronto, even before that - again, Quebec City, even before that - again, Toronto, But just before that - Montreal and Kingston). But 10 years later, when the British colony gained independence, Ottawa and headed by the new state Canada.

his jogging in Ottawa, we started from the Town Hall (see above right), parking lot which was kindly open and free in the Christmas days. Opposite the town hall, surrounded by municipal urban renewal is a beautiful Confederation Park, the main attraction of which is a monument Indians, who bravely fought on the side of Canada under the flag of the British Empire.

same monument from the back, overlooking the Hotel Lord Elgin, named in honor of James Bruce , 8-Count Elzhina th, 12 th Count Kincardine, Governor General of British North America (Province of Canada) and, probably, just good Human , had time to go yet, and Governor of Jamaica, and pobombit Chinese during the Second Opium War .

Despite the fact that in the history Canada's war was virtually no (well, except that already mentioned nenapoleonovskaya War of 1812), Canadians have participated in almost all the world's major military cabal of a new era: the two world wars, Vietnam. Memorial to the fallen in all of these military conflicts:

Looking closer, I was surprised by the detail of the monument: developed and faces and clothing details. Picasa detects faces and required to specify the names of the photos.

Slightly distance lurks a whole string of historical celebrities, as imprinted on the belt (top) and in full growth. They all left their mark, Again, in the military history of Canada. Stories rather confusing. Let me remind you that a significant portion of Canada's future has been mastered by the French, the other part - the British ( here you can see a map of North America in 1750). Anyway, the conflict was inevitable. And not one. All the participants of the memorial will not describe, Here is a sample as the trailer:

Meet in front of you Louis de Byuad de Frente to - the French commander, the governor of French Canada. French Canadian hero, the savior of Quebec from the united forces of the British and Indians.

Or, for example, Laura Secord - the heroine of the War of 1812. A woman who prejudge the outcome of the Battle of Beaver Dams ( Battle of Beaver Dams ). An early summer morning, June 22 (I suspect that at 4 o'clock in the morning!), Overhearing confidential conversations American officer, a brave and loyal British crown lady went into a long and difficult 19-km journey to the camp of the British Army. Thanks to the data from Laura, the British army (which included many Indians fought, forcibly converted generous white man in Christianity), the most perfidious way descended on the unsuspecting American army near the village of Beaver Dam. Victory! Hooray! Cheers!

And here is the most famous (of recruits white) Indians - Tayendanegea , and after the adoption of Christianity - Joseph Brant . Here is such a Mohawk chief of the tribe and the English commander in one person:

Oh, and for the balance of another French-Canadian soldier, but ... served in the British Army since the case was already in the 19 th century when the French were successfully sent to deal with its African colonies ... Señor (Lord) Charles-Michel de d'Irumberri Sallaberi - another hero of the war with the United States in 1812.

As I mentioned earlier, Canadians have participated in every significant military engagements, but it should be noted the invaluable contribution to the attempts at a peaceful settlement of conflicts, which have made Canadian peacekeepers. Since 1948, more than 110,000 Canadian peacekeepers served and worked in various hot spots around the world. To them, the soldiers trying to bring peace, but not the war, is devoted to this monument:

Enough war, have enough warriors, enough intricate Anglo-French-Canadian-Indian, Santa Barbara. In Ottawa, we met a lot of peaceful, happy and good sites. For example, Here is a representative of contemporary art by a positive name "Joy" or "happiness", well, or "Delight UdovolstvieVesele" - very much capacious English word Joy .

Needless to say that the locals have their own alternative, but much more eloquent name for this "fun"? Of course, it is worth. "African children enjoy humanitarian assistance" ...

Near the children settled Canadian grizzly bear - one of the symbols of Canada. The symbol has turned out quite scary, more precisely, creepy. Actually, like fish, which bear tries to eat breakfast. Author sculptures appear in childhood revised Freddy Krueger.

As you know, during the revolution, the first step should be to capture stations and offices communication. main railway station of Ottawa, we have seen only from afar, but the Post Office looked at close range. Massive building in 1939 now rents offices Queen's Privy Council for Canada (Queen's Privy Council for Canada) - a crowd of smart, important and just well-born friends, is the executive branch Canadian authorities. In theory, members of the Privy Council needs to give intelligent advice to the direct representative of the Queen of Canada - Governor General ... guard that the Privy Council of Her Majesty's Royal Lions:

Well and stone guards the Palace of the Parliament does not pale in comparison with major Royal mail lions:

an audience to the Queen Victoria could not get to us - was closed:

... One day back in 1927 year, five Canadian women appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada with a strange question. They asked the Court to interpret them 24th in the British North American Act and to clarify whether this refers to confusing and complicated text, the word "Person" of the woman? The Court considered the case a long and tedious, and eventually decided that in the context of this article, women are not a persona, that is, elected to the Canadian Senate can not. And then intervened Judicial Committee of the very Queen's Privy Council for Canada, have revised the case in favor of women, but at the same time radically changing the law at that time, making in Canadian law doctrine of a living tree .

None of the 5-ki of women elected to the Senate was not, but the tunnel was cut out and the light of the politically active of the fairer sex dawned with unprecedented force for that time. In memory of the great deed of the Five Valiant (where one fifth? "I went to powder nose):

irresistible love of the local municipality to modern art affirms and another sculpture, placed provocatively akkurat opposite Ottawa Notre Dame (Basilica of Our Lady). 10-meter-high spider Maman carries in her womb about 20 eggs. The pearl of the National Gallery Canada does not have to hide inside, and put on prigalereynuyu area. How appropriate it looks phantasmagoric monster in front of the Catholic Basilica not judge me. Although, I should note that looks quite surreal.

small update on: well, that I read thoughtful and insightful people. Thanks to the comments, I decided a little more seriously delve into the history of the mother (or mom?) And discovered that she was not alone. Most recently (May 2010) passed away, Louise Bourgeois - founder spider - had created at the sculpture in memory of his mother. In addition to the Ottawa arthropod mothers around the world are scattered all around a dozen of its sisters. Kansas City, Paris, Tokyo, Bilbao, Seoul, Boston, Washington, London and even St. Petersburg !

first trip to Ottawa I still remember two monumental historical and architectural monuments. Adin - Not everyone can boast of the fact that he had seen (and even embrace) red maple tree planted personally by President Juvenal Habyarimana of Rwanda (or Habyarimana) during his visit in Ottawa. Juvenal distinguished himself by his death (he was blown up in an airplane with the president of Burundi) provoked extremist fellow arrange the massacre against members of other ethnic groups, went down in history as the genocide of 94-year in Rwanda. Maple Juvenal located in a park in Rideau Hall - official residence of the Royal Sovereign and Governor General of Canada. Two - Subject Lebedev was in Ottawa, I know!

Well, finish journey through sculpture pamyatnikovoy Ottawa would like to three famous people, heroes of their times.
Oscar Emmanuel Peterson was born in Quebec died relatively recently (2007) in Mississauga. Alas, I am not versed in jazz, but according to Wikipedia, he was a composer, leader of the trio, a teacher and one of the most outstanding virtuoso pianist in jazz music. The monument is set just near the road, on the sidewalk. From hidden speakers around the clock carried by the enchanting sounds Petersonovskih works.

As a child I was reading a fascinating and exciting book which tells of the great Sports century battle - Hockey Summit Series 70 between Canada and the USSR. In a detailed story about the history of hockey special place was given to one of the greatest stars of Canadian hockey - Maurice "Rocket" Richard . The monument to this great player is located on the French side of Ottawa, in Gatineau (generally, Richard Born and spent his career in Montreal).

Terry Fox was a mere lad growing up in Winnipeg, enthusiastic basketball, going to become a teacher Physical Education. At age 19, sought help from doctors about the pain in his knee, Terry learned the bad news - he was diagnosed with bone cancer. Leg amputated above the knee. Chemotherapy did not help. A young man throws a cure. The purpose of the remainder of his life, Terry Fox Charity makes Marathon Hope "in support of all patients with cancer of the people. Terry decides to run on one good leg and the prosthesis all of Canada from the Atlantic coast (Newfoundland) to the Pacific (British Columbia). April 12, 1980, he began his marathon. Ran an average of 42 km each day. 5,373 km. does not run .

That has turned out such a The first part of the report of a Christmas outing in Ottawa. I honestly do not expect me so popret. Accordingly, do not expect someone strong enough and / or desire to read it all, watch. Nevertheless, I liked it. In preparing this post I learned a lot.

Continued photo-report on the Ottawa


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