Saturday, February 12, 2011

Inexpensive Flatbed Scanner Printer

Reprisal environmentalists near the palace Putin

In January of this years on the Internet were photos of some of the palace $ 1 billion on the Black Sea , who published those involved in his construction Sergei Kolesnikov.
author of the publication claimed that the palace was built for the prime minister, Vladimir Putin, but "for conspiracy" written on it friend Nicholas Shamalova.
Feb. 11 near the palace were detained and robbed service SSF activists Environmental Watch on North Caucasus, which came from an environmental audit.
publish message EkoVahty.

Yesterday, February 11, 2011., In the vicinity of Cape Idokopas (a few kilometers from the village Praskoveevka, Gelendzhik) activists Environmental Watch on North Caucasus, Dmitry Shevchenko, Suren Ghazarian and Ekaterina Solovieva, as well as correspondent of the newspaper "Interlocutor" Rima Ahmirova were detained and robbed employees of the Federal Guard Service (FSO) and guards CHOP "Ruby" in the scandal known object "Project South. They went there to conduct public environmental inspection of the construction. According to former member this project, Sergei Kolesnikov, here built a residence for the prime-

Minister Vladimir Putin's Russia. To cover up this fact, it is framed as private property is a close friend of Vladimir Putin Shamalova.

Watch activists and journalist illegally detained near the palace and kept There, surrounded by FSO staff and guards for more than five hours. No charges in violation of something he was not charged. In this case, activists EkoVahty abused by staff SSF and security guards. They

force were selected all the items and documents (including phones, laptops, video camera, Navigator GPS). Items and documents are still not returned. Illegal detention and robbery occurred in the presence of the police Internal Affairs of the resort city of Gelendzhik, which as a result of its inaction were complicit


Says Activist EkoVahty Suren Ghazarian:

"I passed through two transmission, but no one tried to stop us. As a result, we drove straight to the palace, known by the pictures on Ruliks. Approached by two ChOPovtsa with inscriptions on the sleeves, "Rubin" and asked my permission to shoot. Learning that she is found, the guards began to talk on the phone with some Tahir, and received from him an order to call "FSOshnikam. Approximately five minutes later there were some people in camouflage uniforms, one of them showed a senior certificate Lieutenant of the Federal Security Service in the name of Albert Radievicha Nikitin. Soon came a man 50 years old by the name of Tahir, who later managed the entire

ChOPovtsev activities as well as employees of FSO. Tahir declared that we will not release us until we give up all the photos and videos with the same requirements к нам обратились сотрудники ФСО. Еще через полчаса на стройку приехал пограничный наряд, машина которого перегородила дорогу. Подошли еще несколько человек in

form FSO. After checking our documents, the guards left. I'm also going to leave, but FSOshniki blocked my way, becoming the front of the car. When I got laptop and a modem to write about what is happening on the orders of Lieutenant Nikitin Tahir grabbed my modem, which I never returned. We arrived two precinct policeman. One of them was in a form and submit Lieutenant Tsyndrinym Ivan Sergeevich, the other was in civilian clothes. The policemen were checking our documents, and then I saw that one of ChOPovtsev climbed into our car and takes out her things. I have asked the district Tsyndrina stop the robbery, but he stood and smiled wistfully. Then I pushed myself ChOPovtsa of the car. Suddenly from behind me and jumped Tahir began to pull away from the car, while I tore my jacket. Then came running yet ChOPovtsy and knocked me on

ground, taking with the phone and a bag with money and documents. Nearby a few ChOPovtsev attacked Dmitry Shevchenko began to select his belongings and papers. He, too, lay on the ground. He even took the passport. Katia Solovieva pick up the phone and camera. Police in what is happening did not intervene. FSO staff also watched indifferently as we plundered. When all things are taken away to the side "of Putin's" palace, the scene come to the traffic police. Later in the year and a half hours security officials strenuously as counsel someone to call. It was cold, we sat in the car, shut up and become wait. When it got dark, went the same ChOPovets that rummaging in the car and told the policemen that he had found some things in the woods. After that, the traffic police were inspect our car, allegedly in search of a stolen phone us Tahir. After inspection of the machine the police demanded that we follow in Divnomorskoe township police department (POM) for personal inspection, as Tahir verbally told them about the theft of the phone.

placed in, we sat before one o'clock, and made statements about the theft things our staff CHOP, Tahir but his statement did not appear. Correspondent of the "buddy" Rimma Ahmirovoy first returned "found" backpack, which was not a camera or notebook, but then again he was taken. Others did not return anything. How to tell the police, the "found things" No cameras, laptops, and my documents, money and bank cards. "
of protection and the FSO staff who have committed robbery have been sent the fact that the deleted photos and video footage of what is happening in the country Putin. However, their goal they have achieved.
"Green" managed to keep the media with information. Photos from yesterday's events posted on the site Environmental Watch and her group in the network VKontakte.
events taking place now on the Cape Idokopas, once again confirm the falsity of the statements of representatives of property administration of the Russian President that the object on Idokopase Vladimir Putin has no relations. If this is giving a private person, then why her guard and border guards FSO why around this object such secrecy as to why the law enforcement government agencies to protect the privacy of "private person", so confident of their impunity, using violence and flagrant violation of the rights of citizens?
recall that in October - November 2010, environmentalists had a nationwide campaign for Utrish - Baikal - Khimki woods! ", Organized by Environmental Watch the North Caucasus, Movement for Khimki forest, Greenpeace, WWF and the Baikal Wave.


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