Monday, February 14, 2011

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Capture Rambova Belarusians

Over the weekend, stopped by to Rambo to his parents. Mama sliced smoked sausages for tea.
I looked like something straight Soviet-very so delicious, I ask that in the pudding, where? She praised:
- So we Belarusian store opened!
- a long time?
- Yes, earlier this month.
So I'm wondering, has decided to go to reconnoiter. Shop near there, on the Red Navy.

's so small. And what's interesting: in a nearby building - a supermarket "Dixie" on the contrary - Another product. A little further - rynochek. Nowhere special people no. I went to the Belarusian - there are 2 saleswoman, and people to each man of 15, two turns - every (Saturday was). But people stand, endure - buy large quantities. Does not want to eat himgovno globalized, it is understandable: natural-from-Farther all are better. True, the emphasis in Magazev on meat and dairy: dairy department - Brest and Vitebsk, and the meat - it all differently (Baranovichi, Grodno, Polotsk, etc.). But the pastry was not there sorry - I thought, Spartak "Artek" buy (I swear, the whole unit would be immediately picked up). Loose or Bobruisk marmalade - that generally melts in your mouth. We have to Komendani Maghazi with Belarusian confectionery lasted six months and then fell in the unequal struggle with the gaming club, disguised as "Internet cafes".
Still well, that was opened. Come next time - also purchased. And for the pastry will whisk away to Belarus in the spring - like drops pokapaet the April, so I'll go :)


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