Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Victoria Beckham Sommercial Song

Belarusians on Nevsky market

no further than yesterday, wrote about the coming of the Belarusians in Rambo , and today, returning from a meeting in the office, saw a sudden another pleasant surprise: it turns out, our market after the Nevsky NY opened its corporate office in conjunction Zhlobin and Minsk meat-packing plants. Assortment of big, there are any, from expensive to cheap. Talked to Auntie, saleswoman, she recommended on the seed blood sausage Zhlobin production. Bought on trial in the near future otdegustiruyu:)

So, St. Petersburg people, you know, now there is one more point from the Belarusian meal. Question to the Belarusian tovarischam: that you recommend a specific range of these two plants? Do you have any preferences? And what has developed you have a reputation within these plants, compared with others? High, medium, or not?


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