Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How To Make A Multiplication Chart On Excel

I love old ladies and freaks!

Yes, it turns out that, basically, I like old ladies and / or freaks. Immediately stipulate to real life, this relationship does not have any: my wife nyamka and ogogo + young! We are now talking about those on whom I look through the prism of a shimmering blue screen. Fantasy is always and often (or often, and always) dramatically different from the real world. All of a sudden wanted to talk about those for whom looking and something somewhere Yoka. Yes, all these super-hyper-sexy-shmeksi-photo-film model, certainly attractive enough, but nothing more. They - gloss, they are - photoshop - they are boxes. Nevertheless, for some reason on them are crazy, they are flowing saliva, on them in the toilet pray men ...

I tried to analyze their own tastes and preferences. Remembered popular topic on the forum Invision Power Board, holivary remembered standing on someone prettier - Eva Longoria and Eva Mendes, yes here [info] agcooper for some reason brought up the topic of beautiful actors - then 100% walk through the modern beauties. I tried to remember your preferences. Strange to get the picture. Strange, but funny. I want to share.

Yes, I certainly have nothing against any Halle Berry and Scarlett Johansson, but I still never elevate them to the rank of nyashek, even in jest (though never not waive the consideration of their photo shoots). I tried to remember which of female staff has remained in my mind longer than others. Trying to remember children (Oh oh and thoughts), youth (here is just oh-oh-oh thought) and the current fetishes. Since I am not a connoisseur of fashion, it is entirely predictable that all the names - the heroine of TV and film industry. Let's go! ...

Well then, like, everything is simple and banal to the obscene. The Soviet childhood did not give the opportunity to be particular individual in a matter of taste to the girls, so do not hesitate to admit that more often I dreamed Masha Startsev (Inga Ilm) and Alisa Selezneva (Natalia Guseva). Masha earlier and stronger. Alice - Well, how did without it? Actually, the other sex symbols of childhood can not remember ... Alas ...

Adolescence and adolescence.
most difficult period for the analysis - too many feelings, too many hormones, too many images ... It was enough to have boobs comely looks and everything - you're on my hit parade! For objectivity's sake it should be noted that closer to adulthood I have tried to distinguish between cheap fashion impulses in the form of rampant passion for Gerry Halliwell from the Spice Gelz or Kelly Taylor (Jennie Garth) from Beverly Hills. No! To me, they were not as interesting as the majority those days of my peers ...

Analyzing hindsight, I can say that even then I was attracted to a more age-sexy aunt, flashing on the screen. Who are they - my first old lady let freaks? As far as my memory serves me, the megapopular extension of the franchise Beverly Hills (the original series itself is somehow not really hurt me) - Melrose Place - I think a little more longer than the others, was held at Dr. Kimberly (Marcia Cross). Ha! Delayed? Until now, delayed, when the TV screen flashed Desperate (or still desperate?) Housewives. Approximately at the same time Michelle Pfeiffer long haul penetrated into my heart (?). It seems to be not so bad, right? While on the background of burlesque of young pop divas, Michelle was already could be considered an old woman ... Oh yeah, still the only and the inimitable Kylie Minogue. Until now stand in awe! .. Well, I almost forgot the inimitable and a strong spirit of Jodie Foster. Here too, with whom he went to reconnoitre, so it is with her!

Okay. We conclude with the past. there are between youth and the present day was much more interesting, a lot of icons and fetishes. Total does not remember them, so turn immediately to the current state of affairs. Who can I call women th s my fantasy to the current moment? They are many and they are effectively dead. Case that I became an adult, critical, boring. Place in my pantheon of sex appeal to win not so easy. And, frankly, the last time they (the aunt) as a last time and do not want there. As a result, I can say that the most cherished, with the warmest feelings I feel about the following the fair sex ...

Freaks and old women today.
I will not tell you who is who, just all in a heap. They are not so much. Many come from the past ... In addition to already mentioned (and still is not coming down from the pedestal) of older beauties, I would with great pleasure would mention Monica Bellucci - really beautiful and sexy old woman. So really, I even hung her poster on the door of our room at my old job in Kiev. I hope that after my departure, it is not removed. Huh? Roma? ..
Another star of the screen, in which I was hypothetically in love, and from which was ready to have hypothetical children - is a charming Sophie Marceau ... I hate French language, but it would be easy.
Charlize Theron - Another memorable enough lady. Perhaps the most modern of the trio:).

Well, two more (now moving without the aid of a wheelchair) women, look at that makes my pulse jumping as if on the racetrack. Both sufficient non-standard, which allows me to rank them in a cohort of freaks, favorite freaks ... Unmatched Helena Bonham Carter and charming Anne Jacqueline Hathaway. I look forward to the Oscars next Sunday, which will lead Ann.

Well, I finally got to the same one Who is the main source of ideas on this post. Several months ago I was going to write about it, but did not know in what way. Now, once just seeing her on screen, the idea was formed and embodied in this stupid post. Arriving in Canada, we found lot of local TV TV serials. Many we were familiar with many - no. One day, somehow mysteriously caught the eye of one of the most idiotic series of mankind - Raising Hope . Absurd, sometimes black, sometimes dirty, absurd, and, in my opinion, quite a funny comedy about a family in which a young father raising a daughter alone (my mother gave birth child while in prison, shortly before the death penalty, as was the serial killer). A young father living with a semi-crazy parents, and 200% crazy grandmother. Little? So it's not your size. Do not look.

So, in this same series, there are enough minor characters - Shelley (played by the charming Kate Mikuchchi ). Actually, Kate is there practically herself - her character is in love with the protagonist, they have there even was something in the past. In general, it - the universal nanny. She looks at the same time for babies, helpless old people and dogs. All this in one and the same time. In life, Kate (as well as its heroine Shelley) - a talented performer idiotic songs own performance (and as a group Garfunkel and Oates - I recommend Googling). It is here with the hit and the beginning of my unrequited love for the absurd and Kate. Say what you like, but it - cool!

Here are today, I thought about sexuality, flowing at me with a flat blue screen. Who are your fetishes women's TV images? Who could I forget the undeserved harm, not mentioning a word? Whose posters pasted up in the dark and dusty corners of your libido? I'll be glad to discuss it in the comments.

PS I know that someone forgot to post but not was to remember all.
P.p.s. Thanks to my wife for the opportunity to discuss this matter and periodic reminders that Old women - is a disease:)
P.p.p.s. The post is partly inspired by the wonderful post [info] aquatek_filips series " Remembering the Soviet Union " - would recommend.


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