Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Do Numbers On Blueprints Mean

authorities are trying to take away the children у лидера движения в защиту Химкинского леса Евгении Чириковой

abomination, to which our authorities are ready to go in order to "clear the building site" for Vinci, Rotenbega, N-Trance and their ilk seem to have no moral restraints. Yesterday the staff of the guardianship Khimki neighbors came to Eugene Chirikova under the pretext that from them (the neighbors) came kind of complaint.

The "complaint" was said that Eugene allegedly abused and ill look after children (Recall that in Khimki OBOP, where on Feb. 10 with 2 children forcibly taken to another activist - Alla Chernyshev , law enforcement agencies have repeatedly Chernysheva, which will put it together with the Chirikov, and their children taken away). To clarify the situation, Eugenia contacted today by the tutorship. Here's a video conversation.

From listening to records, it is clear that the supposedly converts to the guardianship neighbors have denied the fact of treatment. This is confirmed by the neighbors - According to them, representatives of the "bodies" showed them the kind of letter written with their return address, but with a distorted name, written capital letters.
Since the "inspection" revealed that the complaint is false - in this activity "guardians" had to stop. However, Judging by the conversation, to stop the pressure on the Chirikov they're not going! Using
love for children as a means of pressure on parents to "undesirables" views have in our country and in Khimki, in the long history . Exactly ten days ago, when outside Moscow police illegally detained and slandered activist in defense of Khimki Forest Alla Chernyshov - such was threatened in her address. And before - tried to take away children from Galina Lebedeva , because the territory, which occupied the center of children's creativity "Victoria" attracted the authorities Khimki for another "developer" project. Apparently, liked the idea ...
We call on all those for whom such practices are unacceptable, "the dialogue with civil society" - to call the authorities Khimki guardianship on tel. (495) 575-72-92 and demand an end to the illegal persecution of activists.
Phone - (495) 575-72-92
In an interview with our site Eugene said:
"This tactics of our enemies only makes us righteous. We can see that they have no arguments other than terror. Our coalition has handed the President the results of independent environmental review, clearly shows that the option of the route through the woods is the worst of the 11 examined. It is possible to solve transport problem without cutting down forests without demolition of residential buildings. For this we must build a subway, expand existing roads, if necessary - to build new ones, using, For example, wayside power lines, which just goes along the Leningrad Highway. Even Medvedev was forced to admit that when choosing a route through the woods private interests have prevailed over the state. Alas, these "private interests", we see too much grown together with our state - why in the course of go here, such arguments. But all these attacks, arrests, assaults - just shows that we are dealing with absolute evil. And evil must be punished - so we will not give up. "
 sharehold  I  "Vinci - get out!"  held     March 1, Tuesday, at 15.00 at the monument in Moscow Griboyedov .   We call for support for our movement in difficult times - and earnings per share, to say "no" part of the French in this dirty project 

Drawing from the website: http://baloven.info/obshhestvo/yuvenalnaya-yusticia-kak-element- genocid /


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