Monday, February 21, 2011

فيلمfirst Time Auditions

Romanization Peter

sat, looking into his archive is one photo from St. Petersburg, at the request of readers, and passing arrays examining more old photos of the city (up to 2006-07.) pointed out that the city of extremes for five years significantly Latinized. Not everywhere, of course, but in some central location (Nevsky, the Italian neighborhood, Grand Ave. PS) Latin something to excess costs.
Take the Nevsky, 15. Was there Cinema "Barricade." Old, of course, kondovy even Soviet manufacture - Will you come, there is a tree inside smelled. I managed to catch it. Then came the big money: podobsharpannoe building (behind him in the 90's and early 2000's, as usual, does not follow, leading up to Achtung) bought, gutted, taken apart and built almost the same - but as a plastic dummy, a bit unreal. Of course, "kina shovels" kicked out, and progressive business in there ponapihal some of their clear-efficient managerov.

But the interesting thing is not even that. Here's what: before reconstruction were there and some are Russian inscription: Cinema Barricade , Coffee , Three Fat Men etc. After Reconstruction: Constans Bank , Merry Christmas , Griboedov . And I'm thinking: well, they have their "effective-managerskie" essentially called them busurmanskoy tungsten, for their understandable. While in the Russian city and unpleasant. But why write - in a symbolic place - "Merry Christmas"? Are they really do not want to know Russian? Why not say ok and simply: "Merry Christmas"?
Here enclose 2 photos under the cut, compare. One thing I've done 2 May 2005, the second - January 5, 2011. They speak for themselves.

№ 1 - 2005

№ 2 - 2011


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