Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Orange Leather Chaise

February 15 UNPO High Commissioner for Human Rights handed treatment

arrived in Russia, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay, who is soon to to meet with President Dmitry Medvedev and other top officials. February 15 at the United Nations office in Russia handed treatment of the defenders of Khimki forest.
Navi (Navi) Pillay
In his letter, activists describe the violence and threats on the movement in defense of Khimki forest and journalists, and asked to support.
Exactly at 13.00 the forest defenders gathered in front of the Russian representation UN (Moscow, Leontief lane., 9).
was signed petition to the UN High Commissioner ...
UN representative Olga will give the High Commissioner appeal UN Human Rights Council.
Dear Ms. Pillay,
in connection with your visit to Russia and the upcoming meeting with President Medvedev and other officials We would like to ask you about human rights violations in the implementation of the project road through the forest Khimki.
The most famous case of violence in relation to the defenders of Khimki forest was an attack on Michael Beketov, editor of "Khimki truth", which took an active part in the campaign for the preservation of forests. Initially unknown blew up a car Beketov, then was killed by his dog. November 13, 2008 Beketov was found unconscious near his home, before it lay on the cold ground about 2 days. He was beaten with baseball bats. Even after 7 surgeries, and nearly 2 years on in hospitals, Beketov is disabled - he amputated leg, he is just learning to walk, can not speak and needs constant care.
In July 2010 started Illegal logging secret Khimki forest, discovered an environmental activist. They set a protest tent camp in the woods to stop the destruction of forest. But the July 23 camp was destroyed - in the early morning came there about 50 men in white masks, with tattoos on his hands and Nazi symbols. They threatened the peace the protesters and started beating them. Activists called the police, but she felt that the criminals in masks are not doing anything illegal and, instead, severely delayed and delivered to the defenders of the forest area. After that, the activists were even more battered.
November 4, 2010 Konstantin Fetisov, another activist, was subjected to attacked near his home - his as Beketov, beaten with baseball bats after breaking his skull. At the hospital, he lay in a coma for about 2 months, has only recently come consciousness, but can not speak. Later on suspicion of involvement in the crime have been arrested four men, one of them - senior official Khimki administration. However, we suspect that the customer crimes remain at large.
February 11 activist of our movement Alla Chernysheva with two young children was taken from home by police, she was taken to the department for combating organized crime, Khimki, trying to bring trumped-up charges in podkladyvanii per share in the protection of young naturalists Stations mock explosive devices, and scaring her prison because of her activities in defense of nature.
Thus, there is a systematic violence and pressure on people who want to save the forest.
We would also like to recall that in 2011 - International Year of Forests. Independent Ecological Expertise showed that about one million people benefited from Khimki forest, a positive effect on the environment. 76% of residents of Khimki, according to a poll Levada, maintain forest defenders. The project is the destruction of forests can still be stopped and replaced by a much more efficient and cleaner alternatives proved that the independent examination, personally entrusted to the president. If the project continues, as promised by officials, in March, it will lead a new surge of violence.
As stated in the Resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly, "common efforts should focus on how to inspire people all possible ways and at all levels, as important conservation and sustainable development of all types of forests for present and future generations. "
We strongly Please refer to President Medvedev and other officials in Russia, so they canceled the project, destroying Khimki forest and led to much egregious human rights violations.
Thank you for your support.

Jaroslav Nikitenko, activist movement in defense of Khimki леса , ecmoru@gmail.com


                                                                 To: Ms Navanethem Pillay

the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

    Dear Ms Pillay, in connection with your visit to Russia and the upcoming meeting with President Medvedev and other Higher Officials, we wanted to draw your attention to the human rights violating project of the road through the Khimki forest.

    The most notorious example of such violence was the attack upon Mikhail Beketov, the editor of Khimkinskaya Pravda newspaper. Mr. Beketov played an important role in the public campaign for preservation of Khimki Forest. Beketov wasn’t frightened, when his car was exploded and his dog was killed. November 13, Beketov was found unconscious near his house. Apparently, he lay there in the cold for about 48 hours. The man was beaten cruelly by baseball bats. Even after 7 surgical operations and nearly 2 years spent in hospitals Beketov remains a disabled person. He can neither walk after amputation of a leg, nor talk after severe injuries of head. He needs constant care.

    In July 2010 illegal and secret felling of Khimki Forest was found by environmental activists. They set up a tent camp in the wood to stop the felling. But on July 23 this camp was attacked by a mob. The bandits numbered 40 to 50 men. They wore white masques and had tattoo on their arms (in many cases this was tattoo with Nazi symbols). They didn’t only threaten peaceful protesters, but also began to beat them. The activists called for the police. But the policemen didn’t find anything criminal in the activities of the men in white masques. Later the riot police arrived, which cruelly attacked the environmentalists and detained nine of them. Since them the gangster mob was in the forest during the felling, and many people who approached the forest reported attacks.

    On November 4 Konstantin Fetisov, another Khimki forest defender, was attacked near his house. Again the attackers beat him by baseball bats and broke his skull. He was transported to the hospital and is still there in coma since this attack. Later four men were arrested and accused in attack upon Fetisov. One of them is the high-ranking official of Khimki town administration. However, there is a serious doubt, whether the true culprits of violence in Khimki should be found and punished.

    On February 11 an activist of our movement Alla Chernysheva with two little children was taken from home by local police, they frightened her by jail due to her activity. There goes systematic pressure on the people who want to save the forest.

    We wanted also to draw your attention that the 2011 is the International Year of Forests. The independent  ecological expertise has shown that around 1 million people receive ecological gain from the Khimki forest. It is very important for local citizens. 76% of Khimki citizens, due to Levada poll, support the forest defenders. The project can be stopped now, and there exist alternatives, as proved by the independent ecological expertise, which was given to the President himself. If the project continues on March it will lead to more repressions and violence.

    As stated in the Resolution adopted by the General Assembly, “concerted efforts should focus on raising awareness at all levels to strengthen the sustainable management, conservation and sustainable development of all types of forests for the benefit of current and future generations”.

Due to this, we kindly ask you to ask President Medvedev and the Higher Officials to stop the project destroying the Khimki forest and violating our human rights.

Best regards,

Yaroslav Nikitenko, ecmoru@gmail.com

Save Khimki forest movement activists


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