Saturday, February 26, 2011

Herpes As Bump On Forehead?


Why vote for Talisman Games in Sochi no option "against all"?

Broken Capillaries Images

Spring is coming

Yesterday we ended a 20-day marathon of frosty-clear, warmer and zapasmurnelo, it began to snow. That means Spring is coming - especially as the Gulf of Finland at all couples approaching icebreaker Vaigach - to resorption of the ice jams at the edge of Gotland, where the wiring to the port expects more than fifty major ships. All get better, guys! :-) To create a pre-spring mood - a little photo series, taken today by me at the underground "Kirov plant". All except the final photo shot there. Enjoy what is now St. Petersburg.

1. Housing one of the workshops of the factory and the Kirov Ave. Strikes.

2. View of the pavilion subway.

3. Snow today is quite a bit, increases rapidly.

4. Palace of Culture. II Gas and snow polutorametrovy tits near him.

5. Christmas trees, there, and a little snow.

6. View on Komsomolskaya Square. and the February Christmas tree, set there in honor of the Eastern New Year in early November 2010

7. Channels are looking forward to navigation.

still visit interesting exhibition at the Russian Museum, but it in detail tomorrow. Now, no force on the writing:)
all a good Sunday, my friends!

Friday, February 25, 2011 Southpark Ipod

Pavel Astakhov called the denunciation of the Chirikov - "despicable, illegal and unacceptable»

Ombudsman for Children at the RF President Pavel Astakhov called the accusation ringing in the guardianship, that the Chirikov allegedly mistreated with children - "mean-spirited, illegal and unacceptable»., said , that, according to the press service of the ombudsman for children, writing Received February 18, 2011 (incoming number 013/01).

false information on the Chirikov

«I want to write a letter because I could no longer tolerate what is happening in a family of my neighbors and I believe that competent authorities should immediately predprenyat action! I live at number 6 on the street Moskvina city of Khimki. Next to me in an apartment № 14 lives a family with two young girls. They are even out of the apartment ever heard swearing and fighting. I think the children out there being bullied. The kids are constantly hungry, asked me to give them something to eat or candy. They say that Mom and Dad give them a little food and they are hungry. These kids are dressed, I'm sorry for the expression of the devils in that go into some old clothes. When parents do not have them sitting at home with some sort of a woman who appears to coming from the apartment of their baby crying constantly punishes "- said in a letter (spelling and punctuation have not changed).

The statement also says that the apartment number 14, spending the night a suspicious a man very similar to the homeless. " "Personally, I think that such people should not like to let the children under one roof and generally isolated from society should be!" (...) Please take action and protect these children !!!!!» - requires the applicant.

«The tutorship Khimki decided to check the facts relied upon by the applicant - A letter signed by Epiphany EI (str Moskvina, Building 6, Apartment 15). Arriving at the address, it turned out that Epiphany EI in apartment number 15 does not reside, Neighbors are no statements in the guardianship did not write. Thus, the call is false, and the guardianship no tests on anonymous statements hold will not. According to the staff of the guardianship, they did not know that in this apartment home environmental activist Evgeny Chirikov "- reads the text press release.

Astakhov said that the letter is "despicable, illegal and unacceptable and provocative.

«Children should not become means of exerting pressure. U of custody Khimki no claims to Eugenia Chirikova not, and if such statements from the fictional neighbors will continue to act, guardianship disturb the family will no longer be "- said Pavel Astakhov.
welfare movement Khimki Forest thanks everyone ringing in the care and treatment he wrote in defense of Eugene. We are grateful to the members of the Coalition "For the forest near Moscow, has made a strong statement yesterday on situation.
Many thanks to Pavel Astakhov, because he finally called a spade a spade (recall that the day after how the guardianship is set false nature of the statement, they were determined to continue to "check" Chirikov).

We, the however, urge you not to rush to celebrate the victory in this case and remain vigilant. Example Khimki forest, unfortunately, shows that good beginnings President and his administration have a tendency to suddenly turn around its complete opposite.

How Long Will Pastrami Stay Fresh?

Ren TV about the persecution of defenders of the forests and their children

leader of the defenders Khimki Forest Evgeny Chirikov talks about trying to accuse her of child maltreatment.

Green Beans Spark In Microwave

55 years of anti-Stalinism

And I must say that Stalin planned operations on the globe. (Animation in the hall.)
Yes, comrades, take a globe and show it the front line.

NS Khrushchev, February 25, 1956, from a speech at the Convention of KPSS XX

Today - 55 years old "secret" report of Khrushchev at the closing session XX Convention of KPSS, which marks the historic milestone - the beginning of the official anti-Stalinism. This political improvisation Nikita Sergeich, in my opinion, was a colossal mistake that led to mass events Negative plan - both on short-term effects and long-term. He has created, in the short term, hundreds of thousands mankurts, "the Sixties" but in the longer term - millions mankurts, "devyanostnikov (bruised in the brain propaganda is later, Yakovlev, Gorbachev's wing). Although in fairness, many of them in the zero years turned back, seeing the obvious: namely, that the official anti-Stalinism involved on the proportion of 30% truth and 70% lies and fraud and mostly preached to the masses by selfish mudantami .
* * *
As for my personal milestone, then he became a special issue of the journal "Homeland" (№ 6-7 of 1991) to the 50 th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War. He, in fact, represented a triumph of anti-Stalinism in its the most irreconcilable, Yakovlevskaya-wing and left before the August-1991, in early July. In doputchevom USSR. Under the brand name of "unknown page" War Journal dragged to the masses using the popular science reputation, a variety of myths - from the "misunderstood" and "unexplored" Vlasov and Bandera to "expose" Zhukov. Not disdaining and more fine manipulation. Showing all of the magazine - a very time-consuming exercise, so I will show here only slightly, namely, why was I uncoil coil in the opposite direction.

Cover of "Homeland", dedicated to the 50 th anniversary of the Great Patriotic

2. After the cover is beautiful here such a big spread - the opposition "real soldiers" to two tyrants, koi were depicted on the cover. Curious propose guess man marked by an arrow, which is modestly and unobtrusively placed in the Areopagus of the winners.

3. Two pages in a magazine devoted to Zhukov, who also exposes and is represented in the "right" light. One of the pages - a poem Brodsky.

4. The second - an article by A. Mertsalova, Ph.D., professor.

5. Advertisement Rooms dragged here almost everybody who could help expose the "myth of the Great Patriotic War": Lithuanian nationalist historians, the Western Ukrainian, belodelskih and others. The room lit up with a variety of subtypes, is richly illustrated with photos of Stalin.

6. But what startled me there, as explicit manipulation, and ultimately forced to apply to the study of the history of war (and the Stalin era as a whole) more closely. This page is dedicated to reprinting Churchill's Fulton speech.

7. In the journal she served as the latest revelation "scoop" that hid the truth, "but we brought him to clean water" and discovered Finally, dear reader is the true text. I'm reaching this passage, much surprised. After all, Fulton speech of Winston Churchill was 2 days after delivering nearly completely (omitted was 2 or 3 paragraphs not related to the Soviet Union) was published in the newspaper "Pravda" of the same, 1946. I read this speech it was there and so was greatly surprised. To read it, did not require any "the collected works of English" - it was only to go on the library ticket to the regional library and ask the newspaper files for the 1 st quarter of 1946. It seems such a respected journal, I thought, why make a divorce reader? In short, positive communication with anti-Stalinism was the moment is broken and I became much more careful as to supply materials and to its selection.

After that I began to explore number of careful and put it on learning, rather than "swallowing interesnenkogo. So for me a sample of negative myths branded authoritative scientism was not korotichsky Ogonyok 1987-1990, and this issue of the motherland. " So he stayed with me for almost 20 years - during which time many things happened. Then came Zemskov with the study of repression, then - the military losses Krivosheeva, history study of Stalin - and so on and so forth. By 1999, I have matured and pereprochtenie "Archipelago" AI Solzhenitsyn. In general, anti-Stalinist mythology first few Thawed, and then collapsed with a bang: it was important to recognize the fact of manipulation (Does not matter, even small or large) and their methodology.

* * *
But Khrushchev's "secret" report was detailed and thoroughly dismantled in 2007 in the book Grover Ferrat .

To quote the author:
In fact, I managed to do quite another discovery. Of all the allegations "secret report" directly "incriminating" Stalin or Beria, was not a truthful one. precisely this: to all those that are verifiable, were lying all of them. As it turns out, In his speech Khrushchev said of Stalin and Beria was nothing that would have been true. The whole "secret report" is woven entirely of fraud of this sort.

text of Khrushchev's speech

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Normal Heart Rate At 34 Weeks

wine labels in the music video

fumbled on u-tube in search of train songs, wanted to find "Vorkuta - Leningrad" by Uncle Misha in klipovom performance (but not found), but stumbled on an interesting variant of his own song "Bottle of wine without a headache." It is interesting that this song perfectly superimposed labels of we drank in esesesere - from a delicious vintage of Riesling and samtrestovskogo Tsinandali to not less than the legendary (albeit certain sense) of Anapa and the Bear blood. Aygeshat Armenian was also very good. True, there is not much for me to iconic wines - the Hungarian Tokaj, Cotnari Romanian, Georgian Saperavi ('s Favorite!). No negative-sign - a three-axes and Agdam.

more alcohol issue. I want to find the label "Dvina", who was murdered in 1997 and greedy French, finally wiped out with the fall of the Soviet Union the most dangerous rivals cognac and some of their iconic brand. Need a version of the label's 25-year vintage Dvina which sold for 28.50 in Magazev "Armenian Wine" on Pushkin Square. in the capital. Find it? A 10-year-old I have, its label is not necessary, and it is in Google. Think about the Soviet Armenian cognac post to make headings. If anyone has, throw the schedule (if a small or medium) in the comments, or links - if the schedule is heavy. A etiketochki Soviet - listen :-)

Famous Stars And Straps Bracelet

Our true life

I'm reading right now is absolutely the real survey report by the Russian company. A report written by the British.
" Company's employees are unionized, but union is not war, and acts more as a public organization than as a defender of workers' rights. "

Heather Brooke Stream

Chirikova began to take revenge. Started with the business. Losses have a million rubles

Originally posted by [info] dgudkov at Chirikova started revenge. Started with the business. Losses have a million rubles
Hopefully, journalists, bloggers and just people are not indifferent to finish reading the text of the end. It will not take so much time.

recently in Moscow and regions often hear "Yes, your Khimki tired of this forest!" "Well, how can one and the same?", "Is there no other Problems?! "

And this is the great evil, and even a crime against the civil activists, people who take risks, compete with Russian fat cats, often get stick in the face. And some - and nehily prison terms. I do not mean 15 days Nemcova. And at least about 4 years old, who had imprisoned 24-year-old journalist Aigul Makhmutova. She stopped the dot building in Moscow, and she retaliated, "the matching" Lypove criminal case.

do not understand why we are so unreliable. Ended performance of popcorn, and we moved on to another show? But civil society activists were left alone with their problems and werewolves in uniform ...

I'll be back to Chirikov. Campaign for the massacre began. Trying to destroy it, a small business. What kind of business can be found here - .

on the firm's clients is psychological pressure. They gently hinted that "it would be better to change the partner." Some have done so. As I told my husband today Chirikova Michael Matveev, business has lost orders of almost one million rubles.

A few days ago one of the clients in St. Petersburg reported that people came to him "from the power structures" ostensibly in order to obtain information about the company Chirikov. Guests in uniform told her visit so that the defender against Himlesa prosecuted. Officially, the meeting has not been documented, the police said it was "not in your best interest." The client was shocked. And even more taken aback today when received a summons for questioning.

For all these facts at my request, the State Duma deputy Gennady Gudkov, sent on December 16 last year, request the Minister of Interior R. Nurgaliyev. Here it is:

A recently arrived here this response.

Despite all this correspondence does not change the situation. Pressure on the business continues. A more recent Chirikova been threatened to deprive her children. What's next - a prison term? Either way Beketov with Fetisov?

If we do not protect Chirikov, then plunge your hands in a very Many civil society activists throughout the country. After her many equal! Public opinion - the only prop weapons and civic activists.

Please all available information, to follow the development of the story, do not forget about the Khimki woods!

Cramps And Cervical Mucus

Mubarak and Obama.

Barak Obama, Mubarak, Netanyahu

Everything flows, everything changes. The picture was taken September 1, 2010. Netanyahu and Mubarak synchronize watches. How many who remained in power? Or how much is left only Mubarak - common ally the United States and Israel?

What To Say Atmy 1st Communion

February 28 will be a preliminary review of the claim defenders "Yunnatki"

meeting will be held on February 28, Monday 16.00 in Khimki city court at: Khimki, Leningradskaya Str., 16, of. 11 .
Judge - Dmitry Dubrovin.
Recall that the plaintiffs in the case opposed Building the Right Bank Canal. Moscow, is an activist movement in defense of Khimki Forest E. Chirikov, A. Chernyshev and S. Naumocheva.
Recall that the project building protection zone of the Channel. Moscow grossly violates not only the health standards (in the buffer zone Canal. Moscow may be only the green areas and the construction of the cemetery is prohibited absolutely), but the law protecting the rights of the child. Children's educational institutions (what The station is a young naturalists) can not be transferred to other uses.
We also recall that on 1 February to shoot in defense of the Stations of young naturalists was made provocation with a hoax bomb , which tried to blame one of the defenders' Yunnatki "- Alla Chernyshev, a mother of two young children ( read the story Chernysheva about how she was taken OBOP 2 children).
The other plaintiff's "Yunnatke" - the leader of the defenders of the forest Eugenia Chirikova Khimki - the guardianship and custody Khimki tried to take away children ( video )

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Feeling Wet 3 Days Before Period

That's bredyatina so bredyatina ...

looked, finally, the film "The Edge" by using the courtesy of Channel One, hath brought his audience to the holiday akkurat 23rd February.

Earlier this filmets few times I called to see my colleague from Irkutsk [info] mkrainov , saying that there " trains many the railroad, although the plot and shit ". I somehow lingered, and then thought - Torrent, look, but also in no hurry. And then - it seems at first box.

In general, meticulously reviewed did not see much point, and carefully (as I can politely) say this:
1. On the storyline, the film - and the infernal fucking pizdostradaniya in the worst form of class I see. "
2. For locomotive and rail - yes, they are really a lot that is good, but ... all that is imbedded in the mouth of the characters and invented "Tipo a chip "director about the railway - and the infernal fucking thrash. That's right, and not otherwise - from the races on an opposite for 60 km to the rest.
I impression that the director decided nafantazirovat and stuff with the movie fucked up as much as possible to disrupt the cash desk at the box office cinema.

And the more I have nothing to say on the film. Zvinyayte if someone accidentally zaobidel:)

Severe Abdominal Migraine In Adults

about the use of "loud" figures

We constantly read in the news or hear in conversations" loud "figures, but not many know how to use them competently.
To ensure that your hands-free "numbers worked the desired effect, it should be assessable to the interlocutor.

example here because the figures use impossible:
"During the day, with the Roads of Moscow exported 300,000 cubic meters of snow."
seems to warn about something very successful and important, but yet we do not understand that is 300,000 cubic meters. That's a lot? It is not enough? This is half of Moscow's roads cleared means or only Kamergerskiy lane? And how many a day away on the streets of New York?

should speak like this:
"restored 197 of the 200 homes destroyed."
Clearly evaluates each of us the result as a consequence - This message will work the desired effect.
your numbers should be easily evaluated on a subconscious level.

Hemoglobin Hematocrit Elevated

Spaghetti anabasis. XV - Genoa railway

In conclusion, considering the city of Genoa, delve into the rail path. The main part of a post I'll tell you about a trip on the narrow gauge railway in the mountains, and the mini-station line is located near the center, in a more - show the second Station of the number of large - Genoa-Brnole. First, the seaside - Genoa Principe, I showed you in Part X cycle. Will be fasting and 2 videos for presentation - showing how narrow-gauge railway is going to ask for quarters of the city, and mountain curve in the cloud. As small.

Line Genoa - Caselli. Gypsy Caravan will begin to move, the platform will remain.

2. About the fact that there is a passenger in Genoa narrow-gauge railway leading into the mountains, too, for some reason, few people know. As a network of canals of Milan. I have about this chip subtracted accidentally while studying the evening handed me a booklet about the hoteliers Genoa. Moreover, the booklet they gave me in Russian. So, to get there, we should go up to the car via Assarotti tunnel, that the area Manin, and then climb up the back stairs. There will be top of the line and a small vokzalchik.

3. Walk past circumcised half-track Atlantis ...

4. ... And get on the platform. The station in some concrete work and forests, so it is not presented separately. But it's small. In this picture - red facade. There we were akkurat at the time of departure of the train. There was no one at all, except the cashier and some guy with grubby pieces of paper in his hand, which was machinist that Shaitan Arba. We were warned that the train goes only to one of the intermediate stations, but not until the end, the driver waited for us and we rushed to the his train (he was in the foreground).

5. At the other path was an older car, which is sometimes used for other flights during the summer.

6. I am Yours looked at the plate: a car of 1924. Solid and retrograde, well done!

7. Forward view, to go. This picture, however, made after his return, but the tail the car remains the same:)

8. If you just go ahead, looming and a mountain with a fortress Levey line.

9. But in real life, we immediately jumped into the car, went even a dude (just gone into the booth to the train operator) and rolled, 30-40 seconds.

10. Using the fact that we sat in the car in an exclusive number and more There was no one, I randomly walked into the tail cab, pushed open the door - and lo! - It opened. I carefully closed it behind him and began shooting. That's what we otezzhaem from the platform.

Here - Video 1, one minute. Taken just from the rear cockpit. It is clearly seen as our "Trenin," moves to ask the Genoese quarters:)

11. Speed in the city were kept somewhere in the region of 15-20 km / h. Well sure, just like in the Circum-Baikal railway.

12. Then the city gradually began to walk away down went the suburbs. Then the second man noticed my absence in the car and went looking for me, finding a cab. Two minutes, he said something to me in Italian that there No way, in English not fumbled at all ... In general, convenient place had to leave :-)

13. Genoa ended crossed far down the freeway with a tunnel and went up into the mountains.

14. By law, meanness, above the level of approximately 400 m above sea level, began to thicken treacherous cloud hanging heavily over the mountains. And with each serpentine They were thicker, until we rode into the milk. I sadly remembered Cape-2008: there we had the same podlyanka.

15. In general, half-species landscapes Ligurian Alps had to spend in the milk. Well, no luck, it happens ...

16. Then came into some very desolate and dreary mountain villages. Walking did not risk, until the next flight was more than 2 hours, and our grimy mechanic showed us for an hour, that parking there for 10 minutes, that is not nowhere to retreat.

17. Here the guys first car uncoupled from the rafts, and instead drove the other hand, in chaotic punk painty. Machinist moved there, well, we got into it though.

18. Situation this trailer was a bit different, but - but! - There was much more comfortable: for filming and observation windows that open.

19. Proceeded for 20 minutes, "Milk" and then the tears began to appear in it. Line is very sinuous, the rate is small, on our way were about 10-12 tunnels.

20. Passage our line on a mountain ledge.

Video 2 (very small, 12 seconds): see what the curves on the line and some low speed.

21. In the grounds of curves there were many bridges in the kind of "Old Italian" viaduchnom style. Here's an example.

22. Again Serpentine. They are here a lot, but on the way "there" we are half of them passed, Alas, in a cloudy milk.

In general, I think that in the autumn, if we are lucky with the weather here is very cool to see. Yes, the village where we got there, said something like Vinomorachcho.

22a. But such a ticket on this line, and punch the conductor of this, from early childhood - a metal, nickel-plated, rounded. Italians old device does not throw until they work! :-)

And now add: you can descend from the light rail station, down the via Durazzo, and at the same time look at the second, the main railway station of Genoa.

23. When we go down the line emerges from the tunnel unexpectedly.

24. Then attached and a second output from the other tunnel.

25. And the way there and then diverge widely: the station this junction.

24. Next we pass to the Brignole station (you have to avoid, as all offices obstructed, and does not directly pass). Station is located in the heart of New Genoa, which was built up in the late XIX - early XX century. There are spacious boulevards and freer buildings than in the area where I lived.

25. Brignole railway station is approximately the same magnitude as the Principe, but more richly decorated. The interior is ordinary, especially anything interesting, so there's no show.

26. Tracks on the central pediment.

27. The main facade of the station.

Well, perhaps until enough. There is very little - about the Bergamo, but now the show is not fast, Italian cycle until set aside in favor of other topics.

To be completed.

Spaghetti anabasis :
0. Overview
1. Crossing the Alps
2. Milan Centrale station: a review of outside
3. Dining depot Milan-1
4. Milan Centrale railway station and inside trains
5. Milan color, dotted
6. Milan subway
7. Milan tram
8. Milan. Technical Museum them. The Da Vinci
9. Everyday Italian
10. From Milan to Genoa by train
11. Genoa. Maritime Museum
12. from Genoa to New York on Transatlantic
13. Submarine S-518 Nazario Sauro
14. Genoa. Color and character of the city