Friday, January 28, 2011

Quirky Wedding Favour Ideas


In fotorolyah:
Red - Charlie , Ottawa, Canada
Cream bryulevo-kakavovo chocolate - Klepantin , Kiev, Ukraine

As such his announcement to the report about the trip to Ottawa to his own surprise decided to talk about Koshak. No, I do not disdain to call them "Koshak. This is even more respectful treatment of this wonderful and funny animals. Being deeply in my heart dog lover, I still can not help but pay tribute and meowing pets. I must say that I am not a theoretician, at home in Kiev on my feet miss sharp claws and teeth deranged Klepantina - fluffy and mustachioed tyrant despot. It is this animal has taught me to walk around the apartment dashes, before going to sleep with a blanket to wrap up his legs so tightly that the dreams of a cement basin began nightly session. Thanks Klepochke I know that the autopsy Vienna - it is not only the inheritance of suicidal or excessively curious masochists. Riveting played major roles in the tragedy of my heroic rescue 'cat, trying to poisoned rain, sitting on top of the Christmas Tree, "" cat got caught between the wall and the cabinet, "" cat stuck in a drawer after drawer, "the cat tried to ask a dove who hour, and now hangs from the eaves, "" cat platted a cozy nest in a basket of dirty laundry and denies the existence of a wash, "etc. In all of the above Klepantin filmed shorts "caught the canary, and Th with her to do now?", "Now I sleep so that you just can not come at me ... oh, no, still could, "" I'll be loud lick himself all night, and when you kinesh in my pillow, I jump on the shelf and begin to throw off your collection of ceramic turtles one by one "...

I know that many owners of a mustached-striped now sigh and think" nothing special, an ordinary cat. "Actually, the cat's habits and behavior quite succinctly, clearly and truthfully have been documented by the example of the magnificent cat Simon . No, it still Klepantin - he is special because that we have with him - the gang! Banda, in which the leader - not me:).

Actually, what and why I'm writing all this? Yes, the fact is that during our glorious trip to Ottawa we met with Charlie cat - pet kindly put us up for a couple of days [info] siberian_cat . Cat, it should be noted, a most amusing - great that your / d / e ponies, imposing, red-haired, but the funny thing - absolutely calm and patient, no matter what. No, he certainly made it appear that he can play, jump, jump head against on the table, but still most of the time he was in deep thought, even in moments of physical violence. We often recalled in this riveting - Now, who would have been in the first seconds of such a relationship to itself, just to cut the flaps all living things and inanimate objects within a radius of 15 meters, after which the nerve would have taken a licking tail.

And in the evening, a glass of wine and after watching Back to the Future I was careless enough to mention one interesting fact in the life of the cat. I learned about it quite by accident, detailed the mechanics of the process is not studied, so I apologize for the amateurish explanation. Spent some time searching and collecting information on this topic, I discovered quite sane and serious description, so if the readers can find veterinarians familiar with the physiology of this phenomenon, I will be glad clarifications, corrections, explanations.

So, I had the imprudence to mention one feature of the structure nervous system of cats. About supersensitive whiskers, which are cats (and not only them), almost the main means of obtaining information about the external the world, known to many. But it turns out, is they have another entertaining feature of the autonomic peripheral nervous system. Wool cover the cat is of several kinds of hair, among which are the so-called guard hairs - tilotrihi. Apart from the main purpose - formation of structure wool and implementation of protective and teplosberegatelnoy functions, say, that each such hair is also the organ of touch (vibrissae-light). To roots These hairs are suitable nerve endings that transmit information about the external stimuli into the nervous system as well as do a mustache. Like anything particularly shocking did not sound new - we all know how cats like pats on the wool, rub themselves on the various subjects and in any other way depict increased tactility and sensitivity. Just before I connected it to the nerve endings of the skin, but not wool as such. But no, it turns out that thousands and thousands of hairs on the body of the cat are, in essence, transmiterrami data on external stimuli to the nerve endings ...

Passing from a fairly boring theory to practice more fun, I apologize in advance for all pets of my readers, who very soon will become guinea victims of the experiments described below. To find out what effect on the nervous system, and, respectively, and animal behavior have tilotrihov stimuli, the young naturalist will need the following tools:
  • male or female (preferably long-haired / st) clipped nails (!) - 1 piece;
  • tape ( not scotch - Take the animal!), recommended tape from roller to clean garments of hair and wool - 4 segment at least (for the four sides of the animal). Special sadists can stock up on extra roll of tape;
  • fairly high threshold of compassion - it is necessary laugh at the poor disoriented animals.
All you need to do - is to catch unsuspecting zhivotinku, cajole, and then treacherously at 4 am glue a strip of adhesive tape on one side of a guinea: side, back or stomach. Recommended tape glued bad enough not to damage wool during the subsequent otdiranii, and at the same time good enough to stay on the tips of the hair, stuck to the skin. What happens can be see in this video - especially for those who do not have a cat / cats and that I had an alibi, if someone from the future experimental attempts to sue me for calling to experiments on them.

Entertainment Japanese video, bad quality, but with a unique Japanese fervor:

serious experimental Video of British scientists from the Centre for humane animal abuse:

It would seem that a simple explanation: tape presses sensory hair - "the nervous system sends a signal to the brain, which in a certain area there is contact with an unknown object -" the brain produces a command to "avoid unwanted contact "-" muscular system immediately executes the command. The poor animal does not see obstacles and irritants, but beat the brain he can not ... Actually, the victory of the brain the consciousness of people and himself on his experiences on a regular basis - the visual and tactile deceptions are well known. Perhaps, somehow I'll return to the topic of human vision - Professional ethics oblige to share their knowledge in this area :)...

Returning a cozy evening in Ottawa with a glass of wine in hand, I will say that my brief and confused story about the above facts are not conceived a special impact on students Host - Charlie and the guests there [info] bufo_raddei . Proposal to contemplate the experience on Youtube remark was greeted with "Oh, you never know what was on Youtube spread" ... After that, students (I want to see - both adults, serious and not afraid of the word, educated people) explicitly looked at meditation or auto-training Charlie and ran for duct tape ...

experiment confirmed the theory. I was a bit sorry for Charlie, but his phlegmatic nature of much softened the feeling of shame because of the cruelty in the name of science. Klepantin not allowed to survive his tormentors after such an experiment. So I'm even a little glad that was a direct witness to confirm the hypothesis articulated.

Another fun facts about cats, which I am pleased with the host our side, was information about how the cats drink. It's funny that even then he fell asleep after koshkovedcheskogo evening, I thought it would be possible to write about it Blog - Theme something interesting, but, of course, postponed, delayed, forgotten ... Wait, what others have written about it. Yes, written so that thundered across the internet to. On the one hand hurt, as if dragged from the language, but on the other hand, even good - it will allow me to save time and limit ourselves to referring to the article: The secret of the cat licking .

too lazy to read, I recommend to still go to the link and watch the video - very clear and interesting. Summary of the article approximately as follows: Cats do not drink like other mammals (including dogs). It has long been noted that when they wrapped tongue licking не вперед (чтобы образовать эдакую ложку и зачерпнуть ею жидкость), а назад. Да и еще и лакают не у ближнего края миски, а у дальнего... Смысл и физика процесса has recently been sufficiently explained in detail the regular scientists (not British). It turns out the cat does not use language as a spoon. In the process of drinking tip language (often wrapped ago) with great speed touches the surface of the liquid and returns. Due to adhesion (adhesive) surfaces of liquid and language for language directs the liquid column. Not allowing him to return under the influence of gravity down, the cat manages to close his mouth, biting liquid column and leaving it in his mouth. It is clear that for liquids of different densities (water, milk, soup or a martini with olives), Koshak need to use different parameters and settings of your hlebatelno-swallowing mechanism. Exactly how furry mammal myavkayuschoe calculates the speed movements of the tongue, the degree of immersion of the tip of the tongue into the liquid, while cutting off the liquid column, and the rest of the setting of neither mine nor that most scientists still do not understand .... And this is really fun - I like to recognize the fact that the man is so little knowledge about the world around him. That attempts to understand the mechanics of what is happening man around, of course, very commendable, but still in vain. That the person - not a crown of nature, but simply just another example of the countless amazing and incomprehensible wonders created by nature / aliens / God / Slartibartfast (required - highlight) ...


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