Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Pop Century To Seaworld

That it was a finale!

incredible glow, drama, passions finale. Youth Ice Hockey World Championship in Buffalo ended bold exclamation point in the performance of red toothless Russian boys. 5:3, losing 0:3. Three goals in 5 minutes! And this despite the fact that, quite frankly, Canadians drove Russian's nose on the ice first and second period. Who knew at the outset championship, so that everything goes: Canadians declassed Russians, then swept rink almost all rivals - Swedes were the only ones who could confront Canadian car ... Russians, on the contrary, began as a repose - with two losses, and then at random, random, on the nozzle, on the teeth, gnaw on the word of honor incredible victory ...

Honestly, I do not believe in the Russian victory. Well, just objectively Canadians, as the team is stronger than ... But it turned out that more and more arrogant, that and played with them a bad joke. From the starting whistle of the third period in an instant from the beaten sparrow Russian Ivana became angry Bears, swept the Canadian defenders on the corners hockey oval boxes ...

Rad. I am sincerely happy. I know that Canadians - almost too own, will soon become a general her, but ... I do not know why or how, but the soul is burning and supports our ... despite the fact that the Russian - not mine ours, I'm from Ukraine, but still ours. And I'll be rooting for them and for their ours, and when our first two runs out, then for our Canadian ... Gow, Rush, 'Go!

Update: Surprisingly and pleasantly, when at work every third employee fits and responds very well to yesterday's game. Many people know that I'm from Ukraine, not Russia, but nevertheless ... "Great game! You have just broke yesterday! It was incredible! "Etc. One would, of course - flying, so Carney, like beaten dogs ... But no. It's just a completely different culture is sick ... A cousin told me how after Vancouver nightmare for the Russians to it at work all came and cheered, saying, "Well, what can you do, could not resist. Nothing may, in sleduemy times "... There was no malice, no anger, in neither case ... This is a fairly rare phenomenon among domestic sports fans alas. Although it is obvious that today you, tomorrow you ... Respect the need of any rivals, as well as their fans ... Thank you Canada for your understanding.


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