Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Laser Lithotripsy Kidney Stones

Notes about the service and customer

Any one of us is a daily user of the service. Gas station, Shop, Subway, coffee shop, bank, anywhere, we are confronted with one or another urovnemya service.
Naturally, each of us chooses a place where service is that most high, but such places in our country is not so much ossobenno if we're talking about the middle segment.
our thinking and our values, while the majority of do not contribute to the development of the service. Do for the customer we have adopted rarely, and even more rarely taken to make the mind and zamorochitsya on how to be better. As a result, we we get a bunch of nonsense.

One such stupidities and mistakes of service - a sign saying:
"Blah blah. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. "

Let's see what the error itself.
What you apologize, this is certainly not a bug, it's absolutely true, but after finishing the phrase on it you throw customer in an open field.

- Sorry, we can no longer be together
- Julio, but how can I be, I can not live without you
- I do not know, fuck off, I'm busy, like in the other, good luck.

That's about how it looks. Think like a client that you threw it?
So, that was not like this, you just need customers to "pursue."
We examine specific examples:

So what? I came to you on site to yours, and you're saying to me, come back later, Mem.
Well you write:
We apologize for the temporary inconvenience. We think an hour later the site will be accessible, but still look the same information here or here .
And no matter what he see whether or not it is important that you have it "performed" rather than abandoned.

Or here's another:

And why? It has deteriorated such that I do? Drink rust?

And it was necessary only to add: "If the deterioration does happen you can come to the point of issue of clean water at: Future Str. Nepofigistichnaya, d. 2050

But why bother since, of course, the people, and so endure.

Another similar plate we vydim at offices, shops, banks. For example recently in the Savings Bank see:

"Cash temporarily unattended, we apologize," and had "Cash temporarily unattended, but you can drink coffee right from the cashier while waiting queue.. " And yet, the client is normal, no resentment.


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