Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dinosaur That Could Eat A Megalodon

brushing the dust from the Learn ...

Perhaps I was born to become a librarian - so much desire in me all otkatalogizirovat, sort and arrange on the shelves, that would be enough for all archivists. In connection with the acquisition here such devaysa I'm sweating that night in a row over the organization of their computer good. Well, the major project involving the relocation of files on networked storage, is the reorganization of the entire photo libraries. Under this deal, I even started in-depth Adobe Lightroom for the study wants to do what was in the pharmacy ...

So what I have it? Fotopapki flipping, I decided to re-register top post , reserving there place for future articles blog. Yes, I - a realist and I understand that all this writing I have time enough only in the case of dismissal from work due to win the lottery a couple of million dollars. So I see the goal - I do not see obstacles. As far as possible I will try to lay out the memories of past travels, refreshing travel memory ... It is clear that when writing reports may generate new ideas, new article.

gladly accept application for priority delivery of the information. While the sober understanding that the Japanese sketches are more interesting stories about Moscow or Kharkov.

Ps Making the top post is still time - all I can not get together and properly assemble it in digestible form.


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