Monday, January 10, 2011

Manual Chronotherm 4 Installer

village is on fire or what happens to the electricity

About at the same time, when Russia began a global power outages, when the whole airport was plunged into darkness as thousands and thousands of people were pulled for paraffin products, we beheld it, what happens to all of these electrons, ions, amps, kilowatts. At 100 km under the Ottawa on the shores of a full-flowing river named St. Lawrence settled village-museum under the open sky Upper Canada Village . More than 40 buildings from the mid 19 th century, and specially trained people to recreate a village Life 1860 (or so) years in all details: reaping, milking, weave, bake, sawing, hammering, etc. Actually, for us, these museums are no longer a novelty. First, the Kiev Museum in Pirogovo conceived and built with the same idea, but was quickly abandoned and forgotten powerful people that do not produce a single penny for its support and development. Secondly, We have visited Toronto a local historical village of Black Creek Pioneer Village, a report of which have long had to appear in the pages of this diary, and I hope still appears ever ... But back to Upper Canada Village . Anyway, Christmas - a light and bright holiday and we are in full least feel it in the evening. As part of the holiday festival of lights, passing on a regular basis for the Christmas holidays across Canada, the entire village transformed and converted into Village of Lights . Every house, every building is decorated with thousands and thousands of garlands, and putting contours rastsvechivaya buildings. Words can not convey this beauty requires personal presence. Despite a rather hard frost, we wandered through the village, as if bewitched, periodically become delirious in a bakery, then to church at least a little warm, and then again on the streets again in a bright, painted in all colors of the rainbow and the full Christmas mood, night. If we believe the official information, while in Canada it is not enough reason to believe that our children and naive heart rejoiced over half a million lights - maybe it's a lot ... local church - the most eye-catching object against a background of rapidly descending dusk - is the most popular place rewarming of the population. Inside, apparently there was something interesting, because the people there came clouds, leaving fewer, but happy and peaceful individuals. Moreover, the church walls were hung with not quite 19-century-old speakers, of which sounded out of tune, but the joyful voices, simulating Christmas singing. We are at the first attempt failed to get inside, after which a sinful deed decided that we were not allowed due to religious differences with the owner of an institution, but it turned out, we simply can not cope with the door handle 19 th century. It turned out that much later, when, beating the second time the whole village and promerznuv to rasposlednego bone marrow, we still decided to take the church by storm. Inside was quite crowded, but we surely have found a place on a wooden bench, took politely spread out all over the singers, and began to smile sweetly. Tamada Entertainer Tanya Ovsienko Auntie on a pedestal helpfully inquired visitors, what song hall wants to sing, have fun wink at each zaroyalnoy Auntie and, like a game of Bingo, loudly declared number of the next hit. Of course well, we are fortunate in our parish and all immediately wanted to sing some carols proverbial in French ... Despite the fact that we knew the song number, us a very long time could not understand what the letter at this time voiced by a cheerful parish ... Remembered Talented Mr. Bean well equipped and without a songbook with Hallelujah, whose example we follow ... Despite the wonderful Christmas gift from [info] siberian_cat (and / to remote d / y for my D60) - By the way, thanks again! - My brain seems to freeze much earlier than the other bodies, so all pictures were taken albeit with a tripod, but by hand and trembling from the cold hands that could affect the quality of images. Well, what lights - not whites - will not be able to escape. But the main village building, no doubt, was Crysler Hall - rich enough for both villages, the house dealer tinware. Not because it's pompous house wealthy tinman (this is what I have learned while writing this report), it is simply this palace served as the center about 10 minutes of light lumiere presentation that opened every half hour. The show will be a little later. Thank you very much [info] honey4ka for quality video (see below). In the meantime, mention that in another attempt to warm up, we ran inside the house for display of Christmas gingerbread houses, uchastvovashih in a local contest. All the contestants were made of edible materials. Here's a couple of examples of the quality of the pictures do not ask for forgiveness, pretended so that should be: And here is the main winner: Well, that's very light and music videos. Turn off the lights in the entire apartment, unscrews the Internet tap until it stops, choose HD format, expect a full load, set to full screen and admire a piece of the show:

Alight at Night Festival 2010 from Julia Unchura on Vimeo .

There is no point to emphasize that the Upper Canada Village has made us deeply positive impression, there is sufficient powerful charge of Christmas and New Year's mood, which has survived for many days ahead issyaknuv except that only after watching the trees .


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