Tuesday, January 4, 2011

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... You know, every year December 31 ...

Russia - the largest country on the planet, and the more a country, the more problems ... © the movie "Christmas Tree", 2010

Eternal How disgusting this is your filler Fish and Oh, cushy gone! already slightly recede into oblivion ... No, Irony of Fate, of course, we will remember and revise more than one year, but not with an enviable regularity as before. To replace one values come others, vymeschaya of narrow trousers worn really hackneyed quote and out-of-date figures. Nothing wrong with that, the classic remains a classic, but gently with Brylska, no matter how ridiculous they looked old-fashioned romantic relationship will be more than one generation to surprise bizarre behavior, indecisive actions and Romanian headsets ...

Soviet cinema, despite the State Committee on Television and Radio, stamp masterpieces shedevriki and shedevrischi cinema with enviable regularity. Current same post-Soviet filmoproizvodstvenny machine limping on all its legs, arms, head and other organs. For many years the brightest of the head, the young and not really, tuzhatsya and tuzhatsya trying to give regular New Year blockbusters, but such that the citations were separated so the bath under the beer with vodka to each other retold ... But futile attempts are meaningless hope pathetic attempts ... As it is sad to say, but the soap-under-television musicals and dramas under- are perhaps the only New Year's heritage of post-Soviet television ... but, alas, not cinema.

I think not only me (which is, in fact, mastermind ) Every year there is a desire to see something oliveshno-tangerine-Christmas. In this case, it is understood and directors, producers, владельцы телеканалов. Моя пост-советская сознательная синематографическая память подсказывает мне, что из новогодних фильмов без отвращения я могу назвать only a couple: "Come look at me" yes "Sympathy Seeker", but then, so, for a couple of hits. The eternal does not pull ... What to say about ruthless in his cruelty to the audience any unpretentious Rates Christmas, continuing irony and Carnival Night ...

So this year crowned Bekmambetov, resourceful and ubiquitous Urgant, funny and not particularly diverse Svetlakov really great Garmash and a bunch of young, talented and untalented workers culture, including the irreplaceable voice Khabensky (well at least Gosha Kutsenko yes Fyodor Bondarchuk did not activate), issued another eternal, good, sincere, Romantic Christmas tale ... ugh. Government order, the mother of Ivo. A lot of money from sponsors, a lot of money from the budget, he Dima Medvedev, almost starring ...

Firs , Russia, 2010 - New Year's bawdry.
Several seemingly completely unrelated stories intertwine miraculously and bring all participants in universal love and happiness. The girl from the orphanage gets old boy from the orphanage, teen-taxi driver - Vera Brezhnev priduroshnoy Auntie - firefighter, race car driver (low 197 km on the fire truck for 2 hours to overcome, and yes even the snow-covered highways Russian regional scale?), Tajik porter - a free dinner at McDonald's, a thief bastard - Cop shape and love the school. Well it's true, is not it great when a Christmas tale overgrown morons skiing and snowboarding Gus on the stairs in the hallway, nearly killing the grandmother? Is not it wonderful that an honest and fair policeman lets the thief grabanuvshego (not the first time) fashion, because of the sudden assisyay? It's so on New Year's show that the only joy Tajik guest workers is a Big Mac menu once a month, for which he is ready to go at all, well almost all ... Well that's our life! Magic and full of miracles when he CAM DmAnMed smile and pronounce with a blue screen TVs treasured words that make boarding girl may not turn in effigy, well at least not this night ...

I do not understand much. I wonder why so openly trash enough experienced and talented people? Why they are candid about their own stuff as schlock? For what they are trying to vtyuhat naive viewer knows to be false emotion? I'm piled up 42 more rhetorical and 37 specific questions to the creators of this miracle. Yes, I'm afraid they will not hear, and if they hear a response as a veiled that I do not understand ... Incidentally, the creators of there car and small truck. Bekmambetov praised the project as unique, because many directors worked together on various stories. No, not so that everyone on her, and that vneskolkerom bore down on the tortuous history of the writers, so let's take it off! And some writers There are also a dozen movies would be enough. There, and creative groupings and perky with Yakubovich ... So the blame can not find - not extreme:).

Yes, there are only light, in my opinion, a spot in this film. This episode with the heroes of Light and Urgant the plane was shot, incidentally, by Bekmambetov. Everything. The rest is either in scenario, either in acting, either in drama does not climb into any gate. Oh yeah, one more positive thing - only thanks to the movie I got into Google, to to clarify for themselves the question of the current map of time zones in Russia. I remember the hype around the change time zone somewhere in Samara, but I confess, was very surprised to learn that the willful decision Russians stupidly lost one time zone. Well, that is not an allocation of these belts, and a stupidly removed (attached to another). So now everything to the right of the Moscow time zone ahead of the capital not for one hour and once on two! That is so stupid. Thanks to these Elkam that explain them ... Next time will be sufficient to simply provide a link to Wikipedia, not to shoot kinopustyshku ...

to urgently make amends viewing experience Trees, it was decided to revise the New Year really Christmas movie. So let it be Christmas - not the New Year. Importantly - the mood. There I have a means of trees. And the tool is called Love Actually (in nashenskom hire - Love Actually ). Do not be afraid of high-flown words, really festive masterpiece romantic, sincere, intelligent, kind, funny, sad, good and this movie!

Love Actually / Love Actually , UK, USA, 2003 - Christmas masterpiece.
Several seemingly completely unrelated stories are interwoven indirectly, and bring all the participants of the universal love and happiness. No hitrozho slozhnovydumannyh matches, no stupid stories, no president ... But no, I will lie, there is one - brash, but delivered to the place, the U.S. president, and another good-natured and sincere Prime Minister UK. Instead internatovskih children - poor girl with mentally retarded brother. Instead found a new love in the fire department superstitious fools - deceived writer and Portuguese-speaking assistant. Instead Svetlakova and Urgant - the hero of Bill Nighy and his manager. Instead, Brezhnev and the taxi driver - the maid and the Prime Minister ... A lot of parallels can be drawn between these the two films. It is obvious that the creators were inspired by the trees and the cheering was real love. Enough of the bad news ...

So, Love Actually . UK - A small country, London - a great city! Different stories, different fates. Some funny, some not so. But everything is quite vital and natural. And all of them, of course, love. Here you and a couple of actors, stunt doubles, participating in the pre-shooting porn film, but embarrassed to admit to each other sympathizers. Here and the sad story is impossible to arrange a personal life, having ill and requires constant attention of a relative. Touching history of the very first school of love and first breakup. Grotesque story of a young "want-to-be ladies' man," Bobby and his search (and, more importantly, successful search!) physical love. And the other, other, other stories ... Christmas in real love - not a key part of the movie. Christmas - it's just one of those leverage that someone given the chance to understand something, somebody give a kick up the backside to do something ... Key element was, is and will love.

The film no moralizing, despite the rather intrusive and penetrating all the history of the idea of passionate and all-embracing love. did not have anyone humiliated, no one had to be rescued from the humiliation for the sake of love. Real love is shown in all its diversity - with errors, with the naive desire, with failures and with romantic feelings. Here you and unresolved love triangles and polygons fantastic love ... Sincerity in all stories - That's what brings life paths kinopersonazhey.

Love Actually - this is his directorial debut, middle-aged English (although he is originally from New Zealand), screenwriter Richard Curtis - author of many adventures of Mr. Bean. It is interesting that for the sake of staff with greeting the people at the airport, as shown at the beginning and end of film crew spent a week at Heathrow. Clear and selecting a great shot on the fly, specially trained people fled to the "actors" and asked their permission to use the footage in the film ...

I envy those who are not familiar with this film - Christmas on the nose! Himself with pleasure revised once more. Who let the opportunities and knowledge, of course, recommend only the original - as it may sound trite, but the living voice and intonation great actors can not convey any dubbing / translation. By the way, highly recommend and a second picture of this (twice), director - The Boat That Rocked / Rock Wave . Also, many great actors, nice humor, an engaging storyline and an amazing charisma of a movie (if such concept exists) ...

Well finally, I can not mention another New Year / Christmas film, scanned by me during the holidays. Peter's Friends / Friends of Peter , UK 1992 - comedy drama, or tragicomedy, or sad, but light a story of friendship, which occurred on New Year's Eve. I will not recommend this movie to view as an excellent Christmas and New Year's dishes. Not because the movie is bad, far from it. He just enough of life and in his own melancholy. Film is recommended for viewing, but marked as "smile with some sadness" ...

On New Year Peter gathers his closest friends, with whom he chudil in times of their common youth. Collects after 10 years of separation. Collects in a luxury castle, which he inherited from his father. Assembles with memories of those friends who were in those days. But time takes its. Friends grow up and become an adult uncle and Auntie. Yes, each can still see that old Rogers, Maggie, Andrew and Sarah, but still ... Film punctually Rides between funny and not so episodes showdown, rushing all deeper into the idea that personal life supplanted much of that was dear to each of them in those days. Household trifles and troubles became more important than the relationship and friendly relations that had been previously. Only at the very end, in the face of new circumstances, friends remember the meaning of the word. Again, the film - light and positive, in spite of everything ... Hugh Laurie, Stephen Fry, Emma Thompson - so, to convince the doubters ...

postscript to another English movie without explanation or comment. Just as a fact. The Importance of Being Earnest / The Importance of Being Earnest , UK, USA, 2002 - the original look pretty difficult, the subtitles do not interfere, since so many fine British speed with difficult and outdated English expressions, executed in the spirit of natural English accent slightly complicates this hilarious OskarUayldovskogo works (or rather, the film version thereof). Well and most importantly - the basic essence, the core Uayldovskoy irony, done in the name of the product, is slipping in the translated forever ... Rubert Everett, Judy Dench, Reese Witherspoon, Colin Firth!


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