Sunday, January 30, 2011

Does Anybody Have Bell's Palsey

BestRegards for KopiMaks

We each day you use the services of different companies and keep us that do not like something, or just have any suggestions how to improve something, but how many of us express its opinion to the company? But if we start more share opinions and hear each other, we soon come to himself "That would be like in Europe."

I decided to make a minimum contribution to the improvement of service, bringing its opinion.
All posts on this topic will go with the tag "bestregards", which means My best wishes to those companies.
I'll send them by mail and watch the reaction.


BestRegards for KopiMaks .

Dear company KopiMaks!
29 January, I visited your copy center at Paveletskaya.
Wanting you to be better, wanting to be better all around, I am writing to you my review.

first. Trifle, but still
Standing in the queue I saw you here this poster:

It was he who encouraged me to write to you.
This is a great poster, which not written standard, easy to read and really makes you want to write something. A "but." Why write "horosho"? It's four. Write "otlichno" or "prevoshodno", why do you currently underestimates the evaluation?

second. Navigation
I'm not IT expert, I do not print shop employee, I am a regular user if we are talking about print.
And now I come to your center with a desire to print from flash presentation, and no signs indicating the no.
plate "Digital printing is not into account. I have no idea what digital printing is different from any other and what they do there.
Managers for the "machines", people crowd themselves, not all understand and eventually I find myself in a situation where I feel tupenkim. But you could get rid of it.
enough easiest plates navigation:

all. I go and he immediately understand where to me.

third. Duet
I say now about the center at Paveletskaya. So it happened that in turn digital printing stands near the door. It's not scary. But the door is not closed, and eventually freezes well. Within 10 minutes of standing have time to order podmerznut.
Change door or repair it and avoid water leakage.

For an explicit desire to grow - you 4 stars.

Updated 01/31/1911 at 12:05
reaction was immediate, that just proves my assumption about the desire of every day to get better. Well done.
only just, I do not understand what the problem is to do the same other plates (a couple of days, and 1000 rubles. costs), as well as for me since high school and the institute estimates there are 3 (poor), 4 (good) 5 (excellent). And so great.

Herman, a large Thanks for your feedback and suggestions.
Reading the second paragraph of your letter gave me the idea that
wrote someone from our staff, because we are active work is
for "navigation" as well as the management of the queue.
Hopefully in the near future we will organize the movement customers in our
offices at higher and logical level.
Regarding the first point, I can say that in this case is well,
perhaps not should translate into points. Consider this word as an antonym
BAD, in this sense we use this pair of words. If
use your option Following our logic, you get more extreme
and edgy version of, say, a perfectly-awful, well, awful:)
Regarding the third item necessary take into account information.

Thank you again, I can say that it is extremely pleased to begin working
week by reading this informative letter! We
glad to see more of you at our centers!

Novikov Roman mailto: horosho @ copy


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