Sunday, January 9, 2011

List Of Shiny Pokemon From Silver

about conscience, kindness and hope and faith

you believe in the future of our country? This is good if you believe. Too many now in anything they do not believe and just go abroad, or "pack suitcases.
Why do they do? Probably because they do not believe in a better, because they see no better and do not want to put your own efforts. But exactly when each of us will start in his place to change something, do the right thing, that's it then our life will change for the better.
On one such example, I tell you.

120 km. from Moscow in the Moscow suburb Kashira I spent some holidays. The town is a small, quiet and enough economic and infrastructure backward.

of wanting somehow to their leisure time, we decided to drive to the nearest stadium, suddenly there will be a skating rink.

rink really was:

There was a locker room:

and Music:

dosatochno and generally not a bad thing:

There have not yet forgotten the old louzngi:

But already know and new (Forward Russia!):

But the essence of the story is not the point.
rink that is located on an abandoned posuti football field. There has long been no violent activity, but there two watchmen.
Their duty - To protect the field. But their childhood took place here anyway. They played football here in the summer, they were chasing the puck in the winter here, and so they took their own efforts and poured ice rink! Ie all that you've seen - it's only the enthusiasm and initiative of the two keepers!

learning this, I suggested to him by a little monetary support. Just because they showed consciousness!
from the money they refused . Was told that I better complain to the administration and then they give the tractor. That is how they slowly move it. People ask the administration in fact help the guards in their case!

Here is how we can live better! Individual manifestations of liability Each of us in the right place!

PS: if you close the idea of this article - reprint it.


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