Sunday, December 12, 2010

Latest Playground Foot

Christmas is coming. Dodge!

The closer our first Canadian Christmas the more imbued with the atmosphere of this holiday. The Curse of Santa's acts on me - svezhepribyvshego agnostic, in which the word Christmas is associated with zlatonapyschennymi parties and slozhnoponimaemymi rechetativami in the form of TV broadcasts on all channels. Already mentioned Parade Santa , and after, and Christmas Fair Distillery District , little, little by little, but enough of my mind catching "Jingle Bells".

In my childhood was a holiday - a holiday Labour spring - May 1. On May Day every cheerful Soviet citizens put on a parade - not the military, as other holiday on May 9, namely civil - With balloons, bands, banners and transporantami in their hands, children on their shoulders, portraits of Lenin and other funny old fellows over his head. And then it was gone. Military parades, of course, are also good, but it's a sight you do not particularly concerned. You proud and scared of what it is like it is yours, but joy from this not so much. Because a military parade there is something more important than the fact that it is yours. The most important thing in a military parade - is that they were afraid that it's yours ...

quite another for peaceful parades. Alas, at home, at home, we all have forgotten what it is. May Day (as it had not been stupid Labor Day, when things are not working) - a unique event, which somehow can be compared to events held in the Canadian society of the bourgeoisie. About the national festivals of food, song and dance - Greek and Ukrainian - I already told you. Now his hands reached the multinational and the most significant Toronto Events - Parade Santa Claus .

remind you that all the images are clickable to view in original size.
Santa Claus Parade - An incredible combination of festive festival, a parade of peaceful demonstrations and military power of the Good army Christmas in one bottle. The entire population the peace of the city left their warm couches with blankets before the fire, so in a rather windy and cold weather once again was afraid of greatness covering their Christmas. And we were there ... Under the leadership of Beloborodov Tirana marched past us an incredible amount of different kinds of troops - the fantasy and animated the troops, the real power structures, workers in the services, and other representatives of the Army Santas. Three hours, we froze at 0-degree dank, to understand that Santa rules the world.

hard to imagine members of the Ukrainian / Russian police, participate in the clown movement, right? But on the Madame you Toronto police drove dozens of cars with different areas of the city, dressed up for their employees red deer noses and horns. He headed the procession York Region police chief, truly in the mood, but the tune in the music, singing Christmas songs to the police matyugalnik.

Employees TorontoGlavPochtampta with GPYA (main mailbox) marched to collect treatment and petitions for kids, promising to redirect these petitions directly to him, bypassing all the bureaucratic machinery of the reindeer, gnomes, goblins and other Santa helpers. Generally, the Canadian postal system alive and well, unlike the same UkrPoshty. By mail comes everything: from utility bills and advertising (not surprisingly) to credit cards, driver's licenses, bank checks and other valuables. The Canadian office messenger pigeons and running reliably and no mittens no sleep not lost . Already bikes postmen can afford, I am sure.

from less significant than the police and postal workers, pro-government structures, it is worth noting newly elected mayor of Toronto by Rob Ford, darivshego onlookers smiles, greetings and handshakes. Miserly mayor stressed the importance of absolute places without a couple of dozen mordovorotov guards, as it opened a self-respecting politicians. Generally, it's really amazing how unarmed Local politicians in front of a crowd hates them (because of normal politics, by definition, is posited to hate). Egg, throw a boot - do not want ... Proceed Soon after Ford tractor, obviously, is a personal means of transportation of the mayor. This is evidenced by the coincidence of color schemes of the vehicle and head of the city.

Secretly tell you what else we recently got on a local Santa Parade - Leykshorovsky (Darnytsa, for example) - not less pompous demonstration of all-embracing power of the Spirit of Christmas over the paltry people, despite the local nature of the holiday. So there in the open buggy, sitting on the trunk, inserting a hypothetical rocks and poisonous spittle went Michael Ignatieff - neither more nor less than the leader of the Canadian Liberals, released in politics precisely because Leykshorovskoy village where we are, in fact, inhabited. Not a single guard, if not be good children, accompanied him.

Various orchestral grouping boldly refer to the assault teams Army Santas in connection with the presence of their trombones, French horn, contrabassoon, flugelhorn, drums, and other terrifying weapons.

Many of the soldiers of these units is decorated with a trophy and spotted aprons! And some are so severe that they were ready to march in the name of Santa's barefoot on one leg!

Drums, drums, drums! How much severe, these soldiers stretched leather and mallets that can afford to sleep on the move under the lulling sounds gorohochuschego orchestra.

Particular attention is, of course, to men in skirts! I like very much Scottish military marches bagpipes. I, incidentally, not kidding .

Power Santa Klausovskoy army - in a variety of forces, members of the armed forces: on foot and horseback to the road and falshivopozharnyh! That we still do not take into account non-existent creatures and warriors cartoon front (about them later).

Among alternative types of weapons Army Santa Claus significant msto take punishing squads denominator, the flag-, blestyaschihshtuchek-nostsev. Their task is to shock potential enemy colorful flowers, waved his assistants and pre-harvested resources, and cause a tide geografobii geraldikomanii.

And to complete the first part of the photo-report about the most awesome event of the year, the most powerful army in the world, the most passionate hysteria Humanity has a photograph of the elite units of the armed forces of Santa - clowns . And may be with you zdorovіy sleep and common sense thereafter.

Continuing - cartoons, toys, animals and Germans with a Star of David! Do not miss ...


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