Friday, December 3, 2010

Distributor Or Garretts Popcorn

About pious newcomers and the world's corruption.

Under Test Button census razmyshlizmy decided to publish on the subject that disturbed me yesterday. Two events in the world (even more) of the scale caught my attention. Slightly reflect on both of them, uttered to himself clever things, disagreed, argued, Then I got bored, went to bed ... On waking suddenly wanted to share bits of those thoughts. Census test, of course, for the sake of vanity. And here is discuss- burning topic absolutely sincerely invite you to kammenty.

thoughtform 1. Hooray! We just quickly fry from outer space!
always loved science fiction Serious science fiction. Asimov's genius nurtured in my heart the love of the boundless universe, robots and other stuff. Continued this case Bester, Clarke, Garrisson, Sheckley, Dick, Zelazny, Vonnegut, Heinlein, Simmons, Burroughs, and many others. Immersion in the worlds created by the great science fiction, designed and prescribed to detail, helped me develop the ability to go beyond standard thinking (self-confident statement, but I do sincerely believe). Perhaps it is clever fiction instilled a love of puzzles and unusual zadachka. But now is not about them ...

Any attempt to shape the future of humankind sociological, militaristic, psychological, non-essential-kakoisticheskoy perspective uniquely brings me to my thoughts on the sudden death of our race: either from their own bare hands, or by an alien intelligence. Well, I ask, why extraterrestrial life (in any form) to be friends with us? Why grustnoglazym and big-headed aliens to give us beads and mirrors? Why would the neutrino mucus to try to explain to us little people, his view of the problem of the asteroid belt Eridani? I believe, sincerely believe that there are billions of hundreds of thousands to the sky heaps of different forms of intelligent life beyond its comprehension of the human brain does not catch the human sensor devices. And as much subservient and trapped. What is the chance that among all the this diversity, there Aldebarantsy who naively come to us with a proposal to change the cakes and pliers?

course, much depends on the comparative opposition to the development of human and alien races. We find ourselves abruptly? Then, after the joy and hysteria from first contact will immediately want to fuck something with these unfortunate creatures, or simply subdue them. Hello, or "Area-9" well or "Avatar." Well, they will be cooler? (And they will, I know!) In the best If they become pets, toys, and at worst - we annihilate, to pave the Earth's new galactic highway. Though it is unknown that this is better, and what is worse:).

So all this prelude was conducted to ensure that at yesterday's special conference NASA told about a very interesting finds made by some of astrobiology, working for money this very association. Oddly, despite the presence saturation and the presence of "astro-" in the name of scientists who find was made on Earth, in California. They had discovered a microorganism to be more precise, a bacterium growing and breeding through the processing of toxic arsenic!

I immediately realized the depth of the breadth of the importance of opening - you never know, than there are bacteria feed on. Only then gradually realized that mankind may finally realize how flawed the knowledge, if they estimated only through the prism of what is subject to understanding. Explain. For many years, scientists struggling to search for any hypothetical evidence, or at least a prerequisite to the hypothesis of the existence of other life forms. Different compared to what? Compared to what most scientists know this. A known hitherto was the following: any known form of life exists only благодаря счастливому сочетанию 6 элементов: углерода, водорода, кислорода, азота, серы и фосфора. Причем именно фосфор является основным строительным материалом for the creation of deoxyribonucleic and ribonucleic acids. It is the presence of these elements was considered a precondition to a hypothetical possibility forming any kind of life in the remote realms of space ... And why are we so sure that life / mind / consciousness can only exist in a form understandable us? Why do we believe that the stones, the bees, the time magnetic fields do not have in your mind? Exaggerated, but on the topic.

Arsenic - toxic to all that we call life here, but it turns out some people can eat them. If here on earth is impossible is possible, what can we say about distant unknown worlds. Us would fly to the moon again in the near future - maybe for us there is little note is "Borscht in the crater of the Schrodinger, do not wait too late to be" ...
So now Due to these new microbes concept of "life" is slightly increased. It turns out that toxic arsenic may be involved in the creation of life. So need to reconsider all the notebook with scribbles, all napkins with calculations, all probirochki with samples ...

I am quite ignorant of chemistry, astrobiology, simple biology and just about every astronomer blablalogii. I can not understand a word of what I wrote above, and furthermore, the fact that I have read on this subject (let's say, no more than two or three articles). But I do know that "this is f-g-g ulterior motive." I was born and live in a wonderful time - so many events going on: umneyut computers, robots ochelovichivayutsya, iPhone omnogozadachivayutsya ... Come the hour when from the black depths of space on ultra Megazone waves, the main radio NASA's chief radio operator will receive a message in pure English "May Frentz, tudey of e Unique time invariant time ... Lets mi ACNP Frome May Hart ... Bu Keim that kil yu ole!" ... But that's another story ...

thoughtform 2. Can it be all so naive or so naive when I?
When Ukraine and Poland have applied for two to hold European Football Championship in 2012, I was taunted and sarkazmiroval. When the factory committee won, I sincerely and genuinely happy. Then he thought, and upset. The brain somehow understands everything, but the soul still sings. I'm still happy that the Euro will be in Kiev, maybe I'll break away for this event to their homeland! But I somehow deeply unpleasant everything that happened and still happening around the preparation for this championship ...

FIFA yesterday announced host World Cup 2018 and 2022. Them, respectively, are Russia and Qatar. Again, happy and sad again. Thought I was not the collision on how to start pilitsya milliaridy as roll back at pockets and purses, as stolen someone else's dreams and hopes. No, I know that Russia will hold a dignified and coming Sochi Olympics and the very future Championship World. Just scares me that for this to be wasted, washed out, lowered, gutted a number of moral and material means that in another country would be enough for 4 Games, 6 championships, 9 "Slavic Bazaar" and 22 summit of the n-tsadki ... In this case, you can call me naive nepatriotom, but the destination attachment assets in Qatar, I believe much more ...

and FIG them with kickbacks, corruption, budget cuts there, at home - all of Mozambique should go through it, may be, once this is over ... Other questions: how? what? Why? How do you manage to persuade the leadership of major international associations that conduct such activities in our countries - it is a reasonable idea? What to impress and show that seemingly intelligent people our would-be organizers during neodnorazovyh visits? Why do we always believe in the word that we prepare, we will do it with us now, while it is not, but here we are uh-uuuh and all will be! I know there has its own cuisine, politics, lobbying. Only thing we can give them in return? Kickback money? Blunt, rude, and the last century ... Or are we all also strong in promoting and showing off as if Grandfather Stalin? Well long time it was already clear that the red fence we always cesspool ...

course, we mere mortals will never understand what's going on in the kitchen with these "gods" policy. Nor should it to us. Better not to think. And do not think does not work ... I quite understand that not everyone is given to know the languages that not everyone has the time for self-education. But I wonder why it's not available to those who made such a career, who walked, crawled, dokarabkalsya to top steps. I forgive Arshavin his English, he is football though and lives in England. I hate, shame and even disgusted by what I heard from Mutko - Minister Sports, Youth, Tourism and bard of Russia - a person who is not the first work exclusively with foreign organizations. Yes, it was the next show. For someone proud and sincere. For me - an absurd and ridiculous. I know that have seen everything, but let it be again. Also fun to hear all this here in Canada, where you hear lots of accents, he kaverkaesh this language and fenkyuesh on every corner.

Oh, and funny fake (fake) with text messages. Think what a fake, because for such a leak in the RF can and soak in the toilet:) But actually there's just a text could not be.


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