Sunday, November 21, 2010

Descargar Pilladas En La Calle

in Santa gorode or klounofobiya. Trailers.

Santa Claus - Funny and kind old man has a habit of Christmas Eve razzzhat to different cities (of course, the money of honest taxpayers). Yes not one, but with a huge and his entourage - reindeer, elves, clowns, penguins and skunks, princes and princesses, walruses, bears, obezyanami and other riffraff. Santa's cunning plan also includes povelevanie security agencies, municipalities conquered towns - police, fire, City Orchestra, a postman, and even the newly elected mayors. Heartless, bearded man spares no one manipulates the consciousness of both adults and children zastavlivaya all believe in a miracle in itself, in sand men, in Hohoho and Jingle Bells! Thousands and thousands hypnotized acolytes await the appearance of Santa Claus in their city, preparing for his Parade, stand in the wind and cold for 3 hours just to behold Him.

Yes, dammit, we chilled to the bone and bone marrow, Yes, we danced, danced, ran, not to freeze in anticipation of Old Man Santa Claus. Yes, we have upheld the entire parade from start to finish. Yes, we see Santa, have seen him ass from the back, because at the moment proplyvaniya past us, he chose us residents of flats, yutivshihsya on their balconies with plaids and cups of hot coffee. But we are frozen and distraught by expectation still whistling, hoot and shouting "Merry Christmas" ("you do not exist" - of Lapland) vile tyrant.

His army - is a terrible power: elusive creatures of all kinds, races, sexes. A cheerful and loud crowd of soldiers committing excesses of the holiday.

(bottom left - not Yanukovych)

... and after all this, deep breath, smiled, and we believe - Santa exists and Christmas is close and everything will be хорошо !


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