Sunday, November 28, 2010

Cervical Mucus Before Period Wikipedia

Tale of albertiyskom snow, trip to Lugansk and cormorants Zuckerberg

I - a man with a big enough business trip experience. Collision and flown, in principle, quite a lot. My current work specifically does not imply any departure, and the more missions. But either I'm so beautiful and helpful staff, a Canadian bosses are simply using cheap immigrant labor, or both together, or something else entirely, or I paranoia, or it does not matter ... So at the exits, I have visited, as it practiced in the field. And here on Wednesday evening befallen a sudden trip to Edmonton. Vnutrikanadsky first flight, first trip outside the province, the first Canadian hotel, the first Canadian snow ...

But before I could give I consent to the proposed management schedule, as my wise and far more savvy wife reminded me about the time zones and some tickets on the nightstand. Edmonton - is -2 hours during the flight there and two hours for his return, and therefore sounded Afternoon (poslepoludnie) seamlessly flows into the Evening (Vecherenie), from which it clearly becomes clear that planning for the evening of the day migratory trek to the concert Blind Guardian is under greatest threat. So it turned out - a reserved flight did not leave a chance to hear the song Mordred alive. Had the audacity to include and engage in re-registration. By law and according to Murphy VKNzNG (the universal concept of penalties for reckless stupidity) has developed so that appropriate return flights no except that with changes ... So I surprised myself, I visited the Edmonton and Calgary (well, that just at the airport) - the two largest cities of the province of Alberta, one of which (Edmonton) has part-time and capital.

For those who do not know, Alberta - the land of oil, mountains and cowboys. Edmonton - oil and gas capital of Canada and at the same time, the city, sheltered by the largest number of Ukrainians (about 150,000). Frankly, time to prepare travel, as well as the general educational walks in Edmonton almost was not, so I learned about the city and visit some had nothing at all.

Before talking about the Edmonton, I can not mention raschudesneyshy Airbus A-321 from Air Canada. Plenty of legroom. In front headrests facing seats - TV with music, news, soap operas, movies. The choice of an adequate and quite attractive. In addition to the TV in the back of a mounted socket and USB-connector, which allows display on the TV and the audio channel of his music and videos from your home stick. I'm such a last and hitherto the only time saw only a Finnair flight to Helsinki-Tokyo. So a 4-hour flight was fun, comfortable and fast.

proceed to the city. The first thing I managed to forget to bring a hat, boots and gloves (on the eve of a trip to the region was down to -25 ° C), but kind-hearted nature of the mother felt sorry for me and remove edmontonovsky thermostat to -1 °. Given the fact that I finished my work at 16:00 it was decided to wander around downtown until something otmerznet not, well then, to go на ночевку в гостиницу.

  Даунтаун Эдмонтона не самый красивый даунтаун в Канаде - так мне сказал таксист и оказался прав. Обычный даунтаун. Без иронии.

It just so happens that I am not a fan and not even a fan and not even a fan of American football. So I could not support that fever, that prevailed everywhere in Edmonton in connection with the upcoming game on Grey Cup . The city is filled with fans (until the game for three more days!), Pasted up everywhere, hung, blown and agit-built information, praising these things event. In the center is established scene, playgrounds everywhere occurring some mysterious action, simulating greatness and the landmark event. There, under cover, a Canadian professional army carried out an advertising campaign to attract young professionals.

Directly under the city municipality erected a reduced field for American football, which fought amateur team of idle onlookers. At the city bell tower built attraction - a giant bungee. Wishing potarzanit was too much, so I abandoned that ideas.

walked away before, choosing a direction on a whim, rather than consciously.

lot of having nabrodivshis among the stone jungle, I decided to go to a river. Perhaps I chose is not the best place for a sight of scenic beauty, sorry, but Mother Nature again took pity on me and put up some sort of sunset somewhere nearby. So that the lens has got a piece of the beauty that loomed on the horizon. By the way, in spite of the homeliness of frozen stream (yes, down there somewhere there is a river), said there were times when she stormed and flooded many strategic facilities in Edmonton. Say what you like, near the same mountains, and every spring, melting snow helps to Northern Saskatchewan (the so-called river) to cause fear and terror in edmontonovskih gradoupravlentsev

dusk descended, and with them, and temperature. Determined that I've had enough of aimless wandering, I, as usual, little lost and very successfully rolled out in a building where laws are the province - Alberta Legislature Building . Adjacent to zakonosozidatelnomu Palace Park was also very photogenic. Alas, no tripod prevented me (and you all) the beautiful stars on the lights in the photographs, and shaking hands-definition images are not added.

yet warmed fingers stilled suddenly came in the same park on a herd of grazing rabbits. That's really something least expected to see practically in the heart of the city, so it's half a dozen of these birds with one stone-vybegaytsev. Brute funny dug in the snow, moved a significantly their ears, something eaten, do not forget a single second of fun doing their noses as they know it. Animals were not shy of a dozen and allowed near my feet at 5-7, after which depicted a fleeting fear and demonstrate the ability to run on 2 meters, while making sharp turns 47 ... so as not caught up. I never caught up.

pursuit of long-eared slightly helped me warm up, therefore, asked the hares in the right direction, I still went to a lively street, where another Canadian taxi driver was waiting for my ears to tell you that in downtown Edmonton - not the most beautiful downtown in Canada.

Next day gave me a long flight from Edmonton-Calgary-Toronto, hugs his wife and evening masterpiece, an unforgettable, magical, delightful and neperdavaemy Concert Ohorontsya, scho Got Wadi Zoru . Concert, may wait in the wings to be dealt with in the pages of this diary, though, maybe not. Large Cameras were not allowed there, but I'm too shy young. Hugs, perhaps, will remain classified as "secret." Well about the flight to say a few words. As always, start from a distance ...

One day I was going to fly in the glorious city of Luhansk. Unexpectedly finds himself had bought tickets for a flight from Jules. About Zhulyansky airport is nothing better not to say - I am afraid that after such a story my diary, and the whole livejournal can disconnect from the Internet, put under the rink, burned and the ashes over the desert to dispel Gobi. I remembered this trip because it was then that I was able to fly in the AN-24. I must say that I love to fly, I like feeling during takeoff and landing, polyublivayu even a little turbulence. So there is nothing overly boltatelnogo not happen then (although, of course, the air was under way to become highway Vinnitsa - Nikolaev - a single meter of road with no pits or potholes). The whole tsimus was to name the airline operates flights (alas, I saw it is only on paper ticket after purchase). The airline proudly bore the name of the eponymous plant - Antonov's Repaired Aircrafts (Antonovsky repaired airplanes). That is already from the title, it was clear that the plane had previously been broken and repaired, mended, repaired, until, finally, is not repaired for me. Honestly, while flying, I thought that by mistake some workers, we have provided the aircraft is not out of the shop is already repaired, and the hangar is unlikely to be mended, let's have coffee grinder. " In addition to completely explainable noise of engines, the entire flight was accompanied by a bounce, tapping, creaking and groaning. And rattled, banged, squeaked and groaned not be construed to various aircraft parts, but almost everyone in unison with Ahn. Good thing I remembered it. I have long wanted to share with someone else.

Distance between Edmonton and Calgary only 280 miles, which meant a flight on any bookshelf. Whatnot was Bombarfier Dash 8-300 (DH3) . Cute airplane. Buzzed regularly, not rattled, not moaning. Slightly worried about the flight, from which it is sometimes shaken, but still behaved well and showed the sunrise in Alberta, the vast snowy boring plantation, after which flew into the thick clouds, and soon landed in Calgary, wishing to come yet.

In Calgary, it was sunny, somewhere on the horizon could be seen a layout snowy mountains (as long as hands are not touching - I will not believe). All that is remembered - it's funny, with free Wi-FEMA at the airport. Reconnecting, I agree with the terms use. Suggest to choose basic variant of connection (15 minutes access + periodic redirection to advertisers) or Premium (2 hours доступа без навязчивой рекламы). Для получения бесплатного Премиального доступа надо:
 а) отправить куда-то смску и получить код доступа, стоимость sms - normal;
b) just simply login to your account on Facebook.
I was only 25 minutes vremenido landing, so that the base rate enough with the head. But my favorite feed the paranoia of another delicious story that Big Brother is watching us all. We're all hooked. They have all the tools to control us and all information that we possess. Good night and pleasant dreams:).

Notes: Mark Zuckerberg - the founder of social networking Facebook. Fincher's film social network is required to view - very amusing kinoshka about the history of the creation of this project.

PS finally more pictures.

Large greetings from Ontario motorists albertovskih Petroleum

And yet Edmontonovskie sketches, which include the Gallery of Art, conditionally vintage (1912) Hotel MacDonald, nostalgia for his homeland at the center of town and just a piece of downtown. I think, will understand where everything was.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Descargar Pilladas En La Calle

in Santa gorode or klounofobiya. Trailers.

Santa Claus - Funny and kind old man has a habit of Christmas Eve razzzhat to different cities (of course, the money of honest taxpayers). Yes not one, but with a huge and his entourage - reindeer, elves, clowns, penguins and skunks, princes and princesses, walruses, bears, obezyanami and other riffraff. Santa's cunning plan also includes povelevanie security agencies, municipalities conquered towns - police, fire, City Orchestra, a postman, and even the newly elected mayors. Heartless, bearded man spares no one manipulates the consciousness of both adults and children zastavlivaya all believe in a miracle in itself, in sand men, in Hohoho and Jingle Bells! Thousands and thousands hypnotized acolytes await the appearance of Santa Claus in their city, preparing for his Parade, stand in the wind and cold for 3 hours just to behold Him.

Yes, dammit, we chilled to the bone and bone marrow, Yes, we danced, danced, ran, not to freeze in anticipation of Old Man Santa Claus. Yes, we have upheld the entire parade from start to finish. Yes, we see Santa, have seen him ass from the back, because at the moment proplyvaniya past us, he chose us residents of flats, yutivshihsya on their balconies with plaids and cups of hot coffee. But we are frozen and distraught by expectation still whistling, hoot and shouting "Merry Christmas" ("you do not exist" - of Lapland) vile tyrant.

His army - is a terrible power: elusive creatures of all kinds, races, sexes. A cheerful and loud crowd of soldiers committing excesses of the holiday.

(bottom left - not Yanukovych)

... and after all this, deep breath, smiled, and we believe - Santa exists and Christmas is close and everything will be хорошо !